Where is she?

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okay this chapter is kind of creepy, with Justin stuff so if you know you can't handle that i shouldn't read it. Also a lot of switching POV from you to Tom etc. Don't get confused!

Your POV
You opened your eyes and saw you were in some kind off basement tied up in a chair.
Your mouth was covered with tape or something.
Your head felt heavy and painful.
When your eyes got used to the dark, you looked around you.
The chair stood in the middle of the room and there were some planks with stuff on them and in the corner a little stairs with on top of them a door.
You tried to get loose but you already knew it wouldn't work.
The chair started shaking because you tried to get loose and eventually you fell and hid the hard stone floor.
You heard the door open and footsteps coming closer.
'I thought I heard you!' Justin said.
He walked towards you and helped you up again.
He was so close, it was freaking you out.
'So you're probably wondering, Where am I? What did you do?, and that kind off stuff.' he said with an annoying face.
'I survived my years in prison and it wasn't fun. But thanks to you I was there, but also thanks to you I survived. Thinking that I could see you again, touched you again.' he stopped talking and put some hair behind your ear and softy touched your cheek.
'I kept thinking about you, hoping you would visit..' he said with a soft smile.
'But you never came!' he all of sudden said angry. 'I waited for you! I gave you time to see I was the one for you! But no! all you care about are your stupid friends and Tom and that stupid accident kid of yours.'
You gave him an angry look.
'What's her name again? Elena? But now is not the time for talking about her..'
Justin looked around him and walked over to one of the planks.
You couldn't see what he grabbed but he walked towards you again.
'So I have to punish you for that, but you can't scream too hard, because then my wife and son will hear you.'
You looked at him confused.
Scream? Wife? Son?
'Yes my wife and my son.' he said if he could read your mind.
'I'm kind of sorry for this.. But you need to be punished..' he said before he pulled out a knife and put it in your arm and you screamed in pain...

Toms POV
'Paddy what the hell did she say to you?' You yell at Paddy.
Y/N was missing for a couple of hours now and with Justin on the lose it isn't safe.
Your mom took Elena shopping and she would keep her away from Justin and all the other stuff while we find Y/N. Sam came too but Harry was with Claire in America.
You called everyone already, Zendaya and Laura were taking the first flight but that took a couple of hours.
Claire, Malia and Harry were also taking the first flight.
Mia, Luke, Liam, Rafeal, Hayden, you even called Lili Reinhart, Madelaine Petsch and KJ Apa who she had been hanging out with.
'She said she was going for a walk!' he said for the 100th time.
'Fuck!' You yelled.
'Tom this isn't your fault.' Your dad said.
'Yes it is!' Tears streamed down your face and you sat down.
You heard your phone ring but you didn't want to pick up, you just sat there and thought were Y/N possible could be.
Then your phone rang again and you saw it was Shawn. Shawn?
'Hello?' you said.
'Tom I.. I think I saw Justin take Y/N..' he said
'What the hell! Why didn't you call fucking earlier?!'
'I didn't know who to call!'
'Come over to my house and help us find her please.' you said hopeless.
'Okay be right there.'
You hung up and ran your hand through your hair.
Where could she be?

Your POV
'P-please.. S-stop.' you said with your arms covered in blood.
He gave you a little bit of food but you were still too weak.
Justin took the tape of you mouth but you were still tied to the chair.
'My beautiful Y/N, I'll stop..' you let out a sighed 'for today.' he added and walked out of the room.
Dried up tears were on your cheeks and you were breathing heavy.
'Please! Let me go!' you screamed over and over again until your throat was hurting so badly that you couldn't speak anymore. But nobody heard it.
'Please..' you whispered before your sight turned black again.

Toms POV
'Where is she?' you said hopeless.
'The police is searching for her, Tom you should get some sleep.' your mother said to you.
'No, mom, I can't..' you said with tears rolling down your face.
'Tom, you need to be strong, for Elena.' she told you.
You took a deep breath, nodded your head and hoped Y/N was alright but deep down you knew Justin would do everything he wanted.
Shawn was a good help and also did everything he could to find you.
You went upstairs to your room and checked your phone if someone had information about Y/N.
You saw a message from an unknown number.


Yes I have her and maybe you
can get her back but I'm not
done with her yet.
And you don't want me to
hurt her even more, do you?


Anger rang through your body and you threw your phone on the ground.
'Daddy?' you heard Elena say.
'Hi sweetheart, what are you doing up?' You put on a weak smile and walk towards Elena.
'I miss mommy.. Where is mommy?' she asked you with tears in her eyes.
'Hey hey honey don't cry! Mommy is just.. just visiting an old friend of her, okay? She's going to be back soon!' you tried to comfort your daughter and pulled her close to you.
You felt her tears in your neck and you pulled her even closer, her little arms tightly wrapped around you.
After awhile her gripped loosened and her breathing was normal again.
You picked her up and put her in your bed.
You walked downstairs again and called the police and explained what happened.
They maybe were able to track it down so you went to the police station with Paddy and hoped for the best.

'Okay we have an address.' the police officer said. 'Justin didn't think this through.'
'Where are you waiting for? Go get Y/N!' you almost yelled.
The police officer did something and went to the cars with some others and you quickly followed them.

After a couple of minutes you arrived at the place.
It was quit a beautiful house and when the police rang the bell a pregnant lady opened the door.
'Hello, how can I help you?' the woman asked confused.
'We need to search your house.' the police said and all of you got into the house.

Y/N was nowhere to be found and only one door was left.
It was the basement door but it was locked.
Did you really heard her scream? Or was it just your imagination messing with you?
'Let me get the key.' the woman said.
It felt like forever but she eventually came back and opened the door.
You stormed inside and found....

My boyfriends best friend (Tom Holland x Reader)(Finished) Where stories live. Discover now