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Your POV
You signed that Tom could come in and the two of you walked straight to your bedroom.
When you sat down Tom started talking.

'Look y/n, what Harrison said isn't true. I wasn't even in a car when it happened.'
You looked him deep in his beautiful eyes. You believed him but you needed to ask:
'Then how do you? How do you know about my parents? I didn't tell one of you.'
'Well you live with your aunt and every time someone asked you about your parents you ignored them or changed the subject, i asked Paige and she told me what happened and I told Harrison.' he took a deep breath, probably a little scared how I would react.
'Why didn't you just ask me?'
'I don't know! I just thought maybe you didn't want to talk about it.' Tom answered you question.
You had tears in your eyes and you felt them rolling of your cheeks.
Tom gave you a careful hug but when you hugged him back he held you tighter. You laid your head on his shoulder.

'You can always talk with me Tom, I'll tell you everything.' you whispered
'I know.. I know.' he gave you a kiss on your cheek and pulled back form the hug and started leaning in for a kiss, you pressed your lips against his.
Then Paige walked in.
'Ooh ooh i'm sorry i'll go!' she said shocked
You and Tom both laughed.
'It okay! What's up?' you said
'I was just wondering if Tom was staying for dinner?' Paige asked
'Yeah if that's okay!' Tom responded
'We can get the take out.' you said
'Yes please!' Paige walked out of the room and you did a little bit of make up on your face.

You and Tom walked hand in hand to the chines takeout store. There were some paparazzi and the two of you posed a little for them.

When you got back home you ate and Tom got to meet your uncle.
You heard the doorbell.
'I'll get it!' you said while Paige and Tom were doing the dishes.
You opened the door and yours eyes widened a little bit.

Harrison POV
You looked at y/n and her eyes widened.
'What are you doing here?' she asked
'Who is it?' you heard Toms voice.
'Is Tom here?' you asked
'Yes he is.' she whispered to me 'No nobody, i'm just going to take the trash out!' she yelled to Tom and her aunt i think.
Y/n closed the door behind her and signed that you should follow her.
The two of you stood in the staircase from her apartment.

'So?' she asked
'I-i need to tell you something.' you started
'okay go on.'
'It wasn't true what i told you about Tom and your parents...'
'Yeah already knew that.' she cuts you of.
'Okay but there is something else i need to tell you.' you said. She look confused and curious at the same time.
'This is going to sound really weird, but i am your brother.' you said, waiting for her to react.
'What?' she asked confused
'I am your brother.' you say again
'That isn't possible.'
'My, i mean our parents gave you up for adoption and they told me over the phone today.' you explained
'Why?' y/n asked
'I don't know.' You saw tears filling y/n's eyes.
'No my parents died in a car accident.'
The tears started rolling down her cheeks and you gave her a hug, but she pushed you away.
'I-i want to be a-alone right now.' she stuttered
'Please y/n, come with me to England and you will hear there story!' you tried but she already turned her back on you.
'Please think about it!' you said before leaving. She nodded her head before walking back to her apartment and you walked outside to your hotel.

Your POV
You walked into the apartment with your eyes all puffy and red. Tom ran to you.
'Y/n? What happened?' he asked
You walked to your room and he walked with you, you couldn't talk right.
'Ha...Har.' you tried to say while crying.
'Sshh.. It's okay. I'm with you.' Tom said while holding you and giving you a kiss on your forehead.
When you were calm you lay in your bed with Tom still holding you.
'T-Tom.' you said
'Yes love?' Tom said
You were interrupted by your aunt yelling.
'Y/n! It's for you!'
You walked to the door and when you saw who it was your eyes widened again.

Thank you so much for the 200 reads! I'm trying to upload as much as i can!

Who is it at the door??😏

My boyfriends best friend (Tom Holland x Reader)(Finished) Where stories live. Discover now