The Surpise

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Your POV
You didn't say anything and felt tears coming up. You heard Tom cleared his throat and said: 'Next question.'

You quickly walked of stage when it was over and put your own outfit back on.
You heard a soft knock on the door and heard it open.
'Y/n? Are you alright?' you heard Tom asked
'Yes i'm fine.' you answered
Tom walked up to you and gave you a big hug.
'I love you.' he said
'I love you too.'
He let go of you and played a little with your hair.
'I have a surprise for you!' Tom said excited
'What?' you said a little confused
'A surprise! Be in front of the hotel at 7 pm.' he gave you a quick kiss and walked out of your room.
You scrolled through your instagram and all you saw were pictures of the press conference where the interviewer asked about the cheating.
You posted a picture you took before you went on stage of you and Tom.

i love you😘 @tomholland2013

@clairesmith cutiesss! miss ya
@tomholland2013 love you 2♥️♥️
@harrisonosterfield 😍
@zendaya YES GAL SLAY
@user Didn't he cheat on her?
@user2 @user probably

You turned of your phone and decided to go back to your hotel. You walked out of your dressing and got stopped by Zendaya.

'Hi!' you said
'Heey girl! Where are you going?' Zendaya asked
'Just going back to my hotel.' you answered
'Can i join you?'
The two of you took a taxi back to your hotel. You told her about Tom's surprise and when you were at your room she picked an outfit for you:

 You told her about Tom's surprise and when you were at your room she picked an outfit for you:

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She gave you a light make up look and styled your hair.
'Thanks Z.' you said and gave her a hug
'No problem! But Y/N what happened on stage?' she asked
'When the interviewer asked if Tom cheated on me?'
Zendaya nodded her head.
'Well he did cheat on me.' you said soft
'What really? I didn't thought Tom was that kinda guy!' Zendaya said shocked.
'I know but i forgave him and i love him.' you said with a small smile.

After a lot of talking and laughing it was time for Toms surprise. You put on your white heels and walked downstairs.
Tom was waiting for the hotel, you walked up to him.
'You look beautiful y/n!' he said
'Thank you!' you blushed a bit 'Where are we going?' you asked
'You shall see, it's a surprise!' he answered
'Taxi!' he yelled
The taxi stopped and when you got in Tom said the address where you guys were going.

By the park the taxi stopped, Tom paid and the two of you got out. He grabbed your hand and took you the place where there was a table with two chairs and food and the place was light up by fairy lights.
'Just like our first date.' you whispered
'Yes! I thought you would like it.' Tom said
'I love it!' you kissed Tom and took a sit at the table.

After the lovely date you and Tom went back to the hotel and watched a movie together while you were cuddling in the couch.
'I love you.' Tom whispered
'I love you too Tommy.' you whispered back

The next day
You woke up in Toms arms with your head on his chest.
You got out of bed trying not to wake him up and took a quick shower, after that you put on this:

You put on a little bit of make up, brushed your hair and you decided to get some breakfast from the bakery around the corner

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You put on a little bit of make up, brushed your hair and you decided to get some breakfast from the bakery around the corner.
You walked into the living room and found Sam.
'Hi Sam!' you said
'Hi y/n!'
'I'm going to the bakery, want anything?'
'Yeah sure.'
He told you what he wanted and you went to the bakery. The paparazzi was all over you with all of there questions about you and Tom. You ignored them but they took some pictures of you, which were kinda cute so you maybe were going to post them on insta, and took a couple of pictures with fans.

'Hi I'm back!' you yelled through the hotel room when you were back.
'Hi!' Sam yelled
'Y/n!' Harrison yelled
'Harrison!' you yelled back
'There are two people i like you to meet!' he said.
'Okaay..' you said a little confused
Harrison pulled you to the living room by your arm. There was an older couple siting on the couch.
'Y/n i like you to meet our parents!'

My boyfriends best friend (Tom Holland x Reader)(Finished) Where stories live. Discover now