Love Always Wins

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Your POV
'Harry?' you said
He turned around and you saw his eyes puffy and very red.
'Oh my god Harry.' you walked to him and gave him a big hug.
'It's going to be alright!' you comfort him
'I-I d-don't know.' he stuttered out
'Yes it is, you and Claire are perfect together, i don't think anyone can break your band with each other.' you said
Harry got up and looked at you.
'You're right y/n, i'm going to call Claire!'
He walked over to his phone and you walked out of the room with a smile on your face.

Harry POV
The phone rang and Claire picked it up.
'H-Harry?' she said
'Claire I.. I need to see you.'
'But.. but you're in LA and leaving for the tour with everyone.' Claire said confused
'I'll join them later. I-I need to see you Claire! You... You are the love of my life..'
It was quiet for a moment on the other side of the phone.
'Harry I love you too!' she said
You and Claire talked for awhile longer, You informed everyone that you were going to New York and later that day when everyone else was going to Arizona you were on a plane to the big city.

After the plane ride
You arrived at Claire's apartment and knocked on the door.
'Hi Harry..' Claire said a little nervous
You didn't say anything and just hugged Claire for awhile.
The two of you talked about everything what happened and what you were going to do in the future.

'I'm so glad you want to raise my child with me!' Claire said
'I love you Claire, so much.'
After the conversation and everything Harry decided to call y/n.

Your POV
'Oh oh it's Harry!' you screamed to Tom, Sam and Harrison and picked up.
'Hi Harry!' you said excited to hear everything
'Hi Y/N! How's Arizona?' He asked
'It's good! But now tell me everything!'
'Put it on speaker!' Harrison yelled with his mouth full of donuts.
You put it on speaker and Harry started telling what happened and that he was going to raise the child with Claire and that he wanted to punch Justin in the face.
After that he hung up.
'Love always wins!' you told everyone in the hotel room.

Next day
You woke up quite early and took a shower and put on this:

Today was the second press day, the first one in LA had gone very good so now you were more excited then nervous

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Today was the second press day, the first one in LA had gone very good so now you were more excited then nervous. You needed to change your clothes there and you were going in hair and make up there so you put your hair in a messy bun and didn't did your best on your make up.
When you were done you walked into the living room where all the boys were since you shared the hotel room.

'Good morning.' you said as you walked to Tom who was sitting on the couch. You sat on his lap and gave him a kiss.
'Hello love!' he said with a smile.

After a two hours everyone was ready and went to the location.
Your hair was curled in little waves and they did a natural make up look.
And they put you in this outfit:

You weren't sure about the pants first but you looked super cute in them!

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You weren't sure about the pants first but you looked super cute in them!

'Y/n!' you heard someone scream
When you turned around you saw Zendaya standing.
'Zen!' you screamed and gave her a big hug.
'You look beautiful!' she saud
'You too girll!'
The two of you talked and later Laura joined you. Tom gave you a quick kiss before you needed to go on stage.

'Y/N Y/L/N!' You walked up on stage and waved and smiled to the people's who were sitting in the room. You sit in your chair and the rest of the crew joined the staged.

Most of the questions were normal some of them were personal about your family, love life that stuff, you tried to answer your question as good as possible and thought it was going really well, until someone asked you:

'Is it true Tom cheated on you, y/n?'

My boyfriends best friend (Tom Holland x Reader)(Finished) Where stories live. Discover now