My Word

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Alice POV: 

I can't believe what I just did. I just crawled out of FP's window. It was the same thing I had done so many times before but this was the first as an adult. 

I ran after I heard Gladys call me a mistress. I didn't want to stay for the rest of the war. I didn't even realize till I got outside that I was still in my hospital gown, due to a nice cold breeze. I climbed back in the window and quickly grabbed one of his flannels and a pair of his jeans. 

Once I got back outside I saw FP open the door and Gladys walk out, Jug, Betty, and Jellybean all following behind. I ran behind the trailer and put the clothes on ditching the gown in a bush. 

I folded the waistband of the jeans down a few times, his pants were huge on me, and I tied the flannel shirt up so it was more of a crop top. It felt natural wearing his clothes again. Before I could think anymore I ran. There was no way I wanted to be here when Gladys and everyone got back. 

I ran all the way to the Wyrm before I was completely out of breath. Hog Eye was outside with a few other serpents smoking a cigarette. 

"Hey Blondie whatch'u doing on this side of town?" He asked smirking at me. I was completely out of breath and couldn't reply. I put my hands on my knees, bent down and I started seeing stars. 

"Blondie? You okay?" He asked throwing his cig on the ground and coming over to me. Thankfully hog eye was one of the few serpents who never held a grudge against me after I left. I knew he would always be there for me since he was like a father to me. My own father had never been around much and hog eye would always keep a close eye one me when out and about. 

"Boys can you get Blondie a glass of water?" He said talking to the serpents behind him. A younger serpent came back with a glass of some liquid other than water. "I said water short stack." He said laughing "Oh sorry." the young serpent said quickly retreating back into the bar. 

"I guess if you want something done you have to do it yourself." Hog eye said helping me into the bar. The smell of alcohol hit me like a truck and I soon became nauseas again. 

"Hog eye I'm really nauseas do you have somewhere I can lay down?" I ask finally able to get words out. "The only place to sleep is the kings office, thats up the stairs." 

"Would he be okay with that?" 

"He'd let you Blondie." Hog eye replies with a smile.

Hog eye assists me up the stairs but not without getting cat called all the way up. "Hey! Everyone leave Blondie alone." He yells after the fifth time getting whistled at. They all left me alone after that. 

"I'm surprised they don't know not to mess with the kings girl." He says shaking his head. 

"I'm not his girl." I say brushing it off. "I think we both know thats not true." He says as we finally make it up the stairs.

"He has a keypad on his door?" I ask confused, FP was never super secretive with locks and all. 

"Yup, and the passcode is your birthday." He says smirking. "You're kidding." I say beginning to blush. "Try it" He says pointing to keypad. 

I slowly put in the code and his door opens. "It must be a coincidence." I say trying not to think about it. 

"Alright Blondie lets get you comfy." He says assisting me through the door and onto the couch in the corner of the room. I lay down and snuggle up with one of his blankets. Hog eye starts to walk out when I stop him. "Hog eye mind getting me a bucket?" He nods his head and comes back with a small bucket. 

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