Not Just A Mistress

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Alice POV:

"Seriously mom there is nothing wrong its just that the car ride with Gladys was torture." Betty said rolling her eyes. 

"What did she say about me now?" I shrugged, rolling my eyes even further back into my skull the most think possible. 

"You don't want to know" Jug said under his breath but we all heard.

"Jug, what did she say about Alice?" FP said starting to become annoyed.

"She called her a dirty misters, thirty-seven times, oh and Jellybean repeated it a few times too." Jug scoffed.

"Ok, ok, ok, did she get a room at the hotel?" FP asked.

"Yeah, she made sure she got the most expensive room possible since she said you would pay for it." Jug said letting out a laugh.

"Oh god Jug, how expensive?" 

"A few hundred a night." He said shaking his head.

"Theres no way I can afford that." 

"I'll pay for it." I said without thinking.

"Alice, I can't take any money from you." He said coming over to me and placing his hand on my knee. 

"Don't worry its not mine anyway." I scoffed.

"Well then who's money is it?" He said looking concerned.

"Calm down Jones. Its his money, and trust me I am going to waste it faster then he gets wasted on cheap wine." I say referring to Hal because after he was placed in prison all his money was given to me and the girls. But Polly hasn't talked to me since we found out about him being the blackhood, and Betty refuses to take or use any money that he left her. 

"Just take her up on the offer dad, she clearly doesn't care about the money, so just take it." Jug said laughing.

"Alice if you are willing to, I would gladly take you up on that offer." 

"I'll write you a check later." I placed my hand on his and gave him a small smile.

It is quiet for a while and we all just look around at each other. Until finally the awkwardness is interrupted by Betty.

"Hey mom can we talk, you know as a, um, family?" She looked sad when she says it and it is more than concerning.

"Betty whats wrong?" I said, and FP moved his hand so it runs up and down my thigh trying to comfort me.

"So if this whole baby thing is going to work... um, how is it going to work?" 

"Well, um, I haven't had any time to think about it since well I found out about the baby only two days ago, and I wasn't planning on telling anyone about the baby for a while. So I thought I would have time to think about it." I said looking at FP.

"I know mom, but its kind of weird, I mean I'm dating my mothers ex-boyfriends son, who I also share a sibling with." She said practically saying 'ew' as it came out. Jug looks at her and looked just as grossed out. 

"Okay this is even weirder than I thought." Jug said laughing at the situation.

 "Well, when we have the baby we will have to figure out where we are going to live, and you guys will live with us so I guess we will work it out when we get there." FP said not even thinking twice.

"Where we are going to live? What about your wife and other child." I said completely in shock that he wants us to live together.

"Trust me were not staying married, and Jellybean will probably go with her when she goes back to Toledo." He sighed. 

"Yeah I wouldn't count on her staying, or her being dependable in any way possible." Jug scoffed. 

"What do you mean by not being dependable?" Betty said confused, as we all are.

"When dad was in prison she refused to let me come live with her since her boyfriend said his house was to full for one more person to live there." 

"Her what now!?" FP said.

"Yeah mom had a boyfriend but I'm assuming they broke up and thats why she's here now." 

"You didn't think this was worth mentioning after she called Alice a dirty mistress, she's the one with the boyfriend, all I did was have sex with Alice once and now she gets slut shamed. Oh I could just kill her!" FP said  getting increasingly angry.

"Can we not talk about you two having sex, its weird enough that Jug and I share two siblings now, and if you two ever are a 'thing' it makes me and jug... step-siblings. ." Betty said covering her ears.

"FP don't defend me please. I'm the one who came to you and asked for sex while I was married, I should be shamed, I'm just a knocked up mistress." I said completely out of fight now.

"Would you stop putting yourself down!" He said now moving his anger from Gladys to me.

"Please don't yell at me!" I started to sob.

"Oh god Alice I'm sorry, I just can't sit around watching everyone including yourself put yourself down for something you wanted, for something you deserved, okay." He says softly coming back over to me and hugging me tightly.

"No, I'm sorry, I just can't control my emotions right now." I say sobbing even more and burring my head in his chest.

"Jug, Betty, can you give Alice and I a minute?" FP says as I continue to sob into his chest.

They both leave and shut the door behind them.

"Alice please don't do this to yourself, you are not just a mistress, you are  powerful, beautiful, amazing, and pregnant with my child. You should not feel guilty about what we did because it created something beautiful, and yes I am still technically married but that doesn't mean I want to stay married." 

"FP, I'm pregnant because I cheated on my husband with my high school boyfriend who I got pregnant by once before and I gave up that baby after my abusive ex-murder husband practically brain warped me into thinking it was best-" I am interrupted by him taking my head in his hands and kissing me.

 We kiss for what doesn't seem like enough time, but does it ever. We are interrupted by loud yelling coming from the bar downstairs. He quickly stoped and ran down the stairs into the bar.

"Gladys what the hell are you doing here?" He yelled and I can practically hear his eyes roll from upstairs.

-• A/N •-

I'm thinking about starting another Falice story, maybe one that follows closer to the show? I'm not sure yet but please leave your suggestions for this story and a possible other story. :-D 

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