Are You Sure

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"Alice are you sure you're okay?" FP said whispering in her ear as they scooted into the booth. "I'm fine." She said through her teeth, signaling to FP to stop asking.

"I recommend the burgers and milkshakes here," Charles said, sitting across from them. "Oh and the fries are great too, but they always need a little extra salt." He said with a small giggle sounding just like Alice. "Ooh milkshakes." FP said drooling a little.

"Hi, what can I get'cha?" The waiter said sweetly coming over to their table. Charles spoke first. "I'll have a choc- no, vanilla milkshake, with a burger and extra fries." FP looked up at Charles as he said it in shock, it was the exact order of Alice at Pops.

"And for you sir?"

"I'll have the same but with a chocolate milkshake." FP said. "I'll have the same also, but with a strawberry milkshake." Alice said gaining a strange look from FP.

"It'll be out soon." The waiter said, quickly returning to another table.

"Strawberry milkshake?" FP questioned, Alice usually got vanilla. "What about it?" She asked.

"You usually hate strawberry is all."

"I hate them too," Charles said with a chuckle. "I'll be right back, just have to use the John." He said getting up. Just as he was walking away FP asked again. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"No, I'm not sure." She said sighing, burring her face in his neck. "What do you mean?" He asked.

"Its just hard to process it all." She said wiping a tear off her cheek. FP kissed the top of her head and softly stoked her hair. "I know Ali, I know."

"What did I miss?" Charles said with a smile that quickly faded when he saw Alice. "Oh no. I'm sorry, what did I do?" He said guiltily.

"You didn't do anything, its just been a rough week." Alice said taking her head out of FP's neck.

"How so? I mean, you don't have to tell me if you don't want. But I'm here to listen." As he said it Alice couldn't keep a frown. He sounded just like FP, it warmed her heart to know that even if they didn't raise him, he was still just like him.

"I, um... I don't really want to talk about it now. But thank you." Alice said quickly wiping tear off her cheek. Before anyone could say anything else the waiter came back with their food in hand.

"Here's your food." The waiter said placing down the three meals on the table. "Thank you." All three of them said in unison.

"This tastes just like Pop's." FP said with a mouth full of the delicious burger. "It does." Alice agreed. "What's Pops?" Charles asked. "It's this small diner in Riverdale that is very similar to this place, though it's usually packed with loud teenagers."

"What is Riverdale like? Apart from the awful ex-husband," He asked. Alice's expression quickly changed and Charles tried to cover it up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

"No, no it's fine. He was awful, and you have every right to be mad at him." Alice said sighing.

"So Riverdale... it's nice, I guess. It's similar to Thompson Grove, but a little less ghost town." FP said trying to avoid more talk about Hal. "Oh okay." Charles said sipping on his milkshake.

"So how did you make it to Thompson Grove?" Alice asked.

"Well, after I escaped the Sisters, I went to live in that motel with the Chic dude. Then after I realized how crazy he was I bought a bus ticket to wherever, and I ended up here."

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