Out Of Town

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After about twenty minutes of driving they have reached the edge of Riverdale. Now its up to them to decide where they want to go. 

"Alright, since we have all gone crazy, where do you want to live and be crazy?" FP asked looking back at the kids. 

"If we turn left we head towards Thompson Grove, and if we turn right, we head towards the town of Greenshot. Its up to you." Alice said. 

"Left" Betty and Jug said in unison. 

"Alright then, Thompson Grove here we come." FP said making a left and turn and speeding town the highway. 

"Can we listen to some music?" Betty asked trying to lighten the mood. 

"Sure." Alice started fiddling with the dial on the dash. 

"How is this?" She said turning up the volume to old 80's hits. "Its good, thanks." Betty yawned, still tired and curling up next to Jug. 

"Hey guys, I don't mean to be a pain... but... Betty and I were suppose to go to school today." Jug said. 

"Oh, um, well shit." FP sighed realizing he just took the two teens away from everything in their life. "Good thing you mentioned it now." Alice said. 

"Why?" Betty asked. 

"FP turn around, we are dropping the kids off at Fred and Archie's. I know its risky, but we can't do this to the kids." Alice sighed giving FP the 'don't make me turn this car around for you' look. 

"Ok then." FP agreed sighing and making a quick U-turn. 

"Ok kids, if anyone asks where we are, you have to say nothing. I know what we are doing is crazy, but we need to sort this out for ourselves. Don't include yourselves, okay?" FP lectured looking at Betty and Jug in the rearview mirror. 

"Okay dad." Jug says sighing. 


"I guess. I mean, okay. But please call us when you get to your 'hide out." Betty said. 

"I will call you as soon as we get there." FP agreed. 

"Don't be gone for long."

"We won't be sweetie, just until things settle down with the sheriff." Alice said.

They all sat in silence until they reached Alice's neighborhood. "Okay guys, I'm dropping you off at the corner, please be careful." FP said pulling up next to the road sign. 

"We will dad." Jug said taking his snack bag with him. 


"Yeah dad?"

"Take care of her, please. Guard her with your life." FP said sternly. He cannot see one more thing hurt Alice. If one more thing were to go wrong she could be right back in the water. 

"Bye!" Alice waved before FP rushed out of the neighborhood. "What the hell are we doing?" Alice said with her face in her hands. 

"We are running from the law." He said bluntly. She doesn't respond and just turns up the music. They sit in silence and hands held for a while until the reach the same cross section. 

"Right or left?" Alice asked. 

"Its up to you hun." He says. 

"Lets go... left again." She said sounding sad again.  

"Hey, whats wrong?" He asked after they made the turn. 

"I just... I don't know. I just don't feel right anymore." She sighed looking out of the window.

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