chapter two - "flashbacks"

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THE ALARM BLARED in my ear as i snoozed it for the fifth time in the past half hour.

emma walked out of the bathroom in a towel and made her way to my closet.

"rise and shine serina!" she yells rather loudly for it to be morning.

groaning i brought the covers over my head, resting my eyes for a few minutes.

"nope not today fatass." emma yells in my ear pulling the comforter off me trying to drag me out of bed.

"im up, im up." i say groggily heading into the bathroom to freshen up.

"meet me downstairs when you're dressed im making breakfast because you're not skipping that today." she yells from the distance.

with a roll of my eyes i got cleaned up and started on my regular makeup routine and did my hair.

leaving me fifteen minutes to spare, to choose an outfit and eat breakfast. walking into my closet i looked at the very few options i felt i had.

i put on a slightly cropped striped top and ripped jeans, as for my hair i left it in its natural state– satisfied.

finally from my shoe rack i grab a pair white converse and head downstairs to grab my black backpack and eat breakfast.

"uh this is a lot." i said eyeing the food on the counter.

in a short span of time emma made pancakes and eggs handing me a plate.

"well you better hurry your ass up and eat because we only have five minutes before we have to leave." she says finishing off her plate.

quickly i finish my breakfast feeling full by the end of it as we headed out of the house and into emma's car jamming to music on our way to school.

my first class was with ethan, which i always looked forward to.

walking into school with emma we chatted at my locker until the first bell rang.

once it did we parted ways heading to our own classes.

i walked into class being one of the last few people to walk in.

ethan acknowledged me sending a smile my way, walking up to where he sat.

i sat my bag down sitting into the desk next to him greeting him.

"hey e." i say with a smile.

"hey serina!" he smiles widely.

"what's up?" i ask getting my things settled onto my desk.

"eh nothing, i just got here five minutes before you did." he spoke doodling on the side of the page in his notebook.

"oh hey," he spoke up again. "you coming over after school right? mom said she made your favourite brownies." he says bringing his face back up.

"okay but i'm only coming over for the food, don't get it twisted."

he shoves me lightly going back to drawing. "alright ill meet you up at the front of the school once the last bell rings, yeah?"

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