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Inko doesn't remember anything after having Lust carry her out of the store. She only knew that Izuku showed Greed, Pride, and Lust. Greed could control fire, Pride could fight exceptionally well, and Lust could control people. She also knew that like anybody with Multiple Personalities- the person's demeanor changed. Greed was very confident, Pride was silent but quick on his feet, and Lust was very sexual.

But how did the other personalities react?

She got up and realized that she was on her bed. How did she get here with just the strength of a three year old? She looked around and saw that there was an obvious struggle to get her on her bed. The door was off its hinges, the dresser drawers were pulled all the way out- leaving her feminine items hanging all over the place, and the rug by her bedside was moved around and some of the stitching was undone.

The silence in the house was deafening- and it gave Inko a strange sense of caution.

Inko slowly got out of bed but stumbled a bit from her slight head injury. She walked over to her mirror and saw that the mark was just a scratch and not a gash like she remembered.

Suddenly, Inko heard a sound that was similar to her clay pots breaking.

"Izuku?" Inko briskly walked to the living room and saw him hunched over a broken plant. Before she could call his name again, she saw him reach out to the plant with a trembling hand. As soon as his hand touched the plant, the plant started to rapidly shrivel up. The soil lost its hearth as well and quickly turned into ash and the plant disintegrated in the matter of seconds.

Inko took a look around the room and saw that the living room was a mess. Most of her plants were in the same state as the one before Izuku and it looked like he tried to do the same to the couch, coffee table, and carpet but to no avail. The only thing that wasn't touched was the television- but it would only be a matter of time until that was destroyed too.

"Izuku? Sweetie, what's wrong?"

Izuku snapped his head to her and Inko gasped. The feverish look in his eyes made her take a step back and the heavy breathing he had- made him seem desperate for whatever he needed.

"Is this Izuku?"

He shook his head and wiped his mouth from nonexistent slobber. "No milady. I'm Gluttony"

Inko looked at him while he went to the last plant and licked his lips. He rubbed his hands together before touching the plant. Inko could feel the sense of euphoria he gave off as he sucked the life out of the plant and moaned.

"Well, um Gluttony, may I ask what you are doing?"

Izuku snapped out of his elation and faced Inko. "I'm feeding"

Inko nodded and moved into the living room but stayed along the walls. "And why are you feeding this late at night?"

Gluttony raised an eyebrow and pointed towards the digital clock under the television. It read '6:45 AM' before fizzling out and slowly blinking back on a couple seconds later.

'Did I really sleep that long?' Inko thought as Gluttony rushed past her and into the kitchen. She followed behind like an obedient dog and saw Gluttony look at the window then at the refrigerator. The fridge had its' door yanked off and everything in there was reduced to juices that leaked onto the floor. Containers scattered the floor; all juice bottles were strewn across the room like decorative Christmas lights. Even some raw egg shells were lying upon the ground- their contents slurped out in a rush.

Inko looked over and saw Gluttony reaching through the window and saw that he had plucked a squirrel off of the tree.

"Gluttony- what are you doing?" she said with her hands in front of her in a calming manner. "I can get more food and plants easily"

Gluttony thought before shaking his head. "Can't wait that long. I need food now. Need to refuel for Greed" he blatantly answered.

"Why do all of this for Greed?" Inko kept a flickering gaze between Gluttony that always looked like he was in thought, and the squirrel that was scratching at his fingers- but he paid no attention to it.

"Greed, Pride, and Lust used their quirks yesterday. We need energy to feed all of us or Greed gets mad. So, I must refuel when the sun swallows the day- unless certain circumstances arise" Gluttony licked his lips at the squirrel and placed his other hand on top of the squirrel that was begging for its' life to be spared. "My quirk, as you put it, allows me to take fuel in and disperse it among all of us. I can eat, or I could take energy, sometimes life, from living things by touch"

Inko nodded, but before she could interject- Gluttony twisted the squirrel's head and body in two different directions until an audible snap occurred and all high-pitched wails ceased. Inko's eyes widened as Gluttony opened his mouth and tossed in the entire squirrel's head whole. It was at this moment, when Inko saw that Gluttony had sharp, jagged teeth- similar to a shark.

"But I love killing living things. The screams are the seasonings and makes it taste ten times better" Gluttony smiled as he tossed the body into his mouth and slurped the tail like it was spaghetti. "Greed says these are healthy screams- unlike Sloth. He makes unhealthy screams"

"What do you mean by that?" Inko asked as Gluttony licked his fingers and rubbed his stomach.

"I know how to keep all the energy I have locked up and I'll disperse it when needed to. Think of it as a container with a lid. Sloth has a container but no lid- energy is constantly spewing out" Gluttony snatched a squirrel running up the tree near the flat and swiftly bit into its' head like a lollipop. He tossed the rest of the body in his mouth and swallowed it in two bites. He elongated his tongue to lick all the blood surrounding his lips before he spoke again. 

"Too much energy makes Zero loose reins. Greed takes over while Zero regains strength" Gluttony reached out the window and whistled a tune that sounded exactly like a bird's song. A robin fluttered onto his index finger like it was a perch and Gluttony brought it into the house. He closed the window and started to pet it while putting his next words into thought. "When Sloth is around he does not know how to contain well. Greed uses him and Wrath as Trump Cards" Gluttony shook his head and his petting stop. "Sloth is sorta like me- we make energy for all of us. Except I was made to stockpile energy because I am able to contain all energy. I can either weaken a person or kill them swiftly. And even though Sloth can contain some, he does it by torture and taking years off of people's lives- which makes mine safer by default" Gluttony laughed at his comparison.

Inko's eyes widened as the current news made her breathing stagger. Years? Off of my life?

Inko shook her head as the bird's static song turned into a crescendo as Gluttony began twisting the head.

"Wait Gluttony- Wait!" Gluttony stopped twisting and the bird started to nip at its finger to fly away- but Gluttony held it down.

"Please don't kill anymore animals to gain energy. I'll make sure the fridge is always stocked but please, no more" Inko never did like to see an animal die; but with Izuku's new quirks- death is the only station that airs on their reality show.

"Unless you want to die an early death, I'd close my eyes and get used to it. Greed is scarier than you, Inko" Gluttony began to twist the bird's head again.

"I volunteer as tribute!" She screamed- snapping Gluttony out of his actions. He paused and the let out a sigh. Gluttony reopened the window and, literally, tossed the bird out before closing it again.

"What did you say?"

"Just this one time, I volunteer as tribute. I'll take the bird's place" Inko knew deep down in her heart that Izuku would cry for days if he found out that he was the reason behind the death of some squirrels and a bird. He loved life and would be devastated.

Gluttony shrugged and put his hands to his eyes. She heard a mumble and then a chuckle soon after. He lowered his hands and soulless ebony eyes looked back at her. Inko felt like she was being electrocuted on the spot as the eyes searched her stature and then finally captured her eyes.

"Have pleasant dreams, Mama"

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