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"Musutafu Police; how may I help you?"

"Hello; may I speak to the head detective?" Inko asked while Izuku was happily eating his breakfast that she prepared. It got a little cold from talking to Greed but Izuku didn't mind.

"Is something wrong Mommy?" Izuku asked with his cheeks almost bursting full of fluffy pancakes.

Inko smiled and patted his head. "Nothing's wrong- Mommy just has to make a phone call. Enjoy your food and I'll be right back" Inko smiled and walked into the living room.

She put the phone back to the ear just when someone on the other line was talking back.

"-ello? Hello?" Inko recognized the voice- it was the same person who came in with All Might after that robber mishap.

"Oh- I'm sorry! My name is Midoriya Inko and I really need some help"

"Well, Ms. Midoriya; what seems to be the problem?"

Inko thought a moment before answering. "Well my son's quirk manifested recently, but he can't control it. So, I'm just asking if the pro-hero, Eraser Head, could come and watch him with me today?"

Now that it was said aloud, it sounded weirder than it did in her head.

Hesitation, and then a cough of uncertainty, was heard from the other line. "Mam, we cannot ask pro-heros to babysit a birthday party- even if your son cannot control his quirk"

"But you don't understand! My son has used his quirk on you before!" Inko's desperation took control of her mouth.

"Mam, if that were true then I would remember it" He said and Inko could tell his patience was wearing thin.

"No, it is true! Last week there was a robbery in a store and you were outside with All Might- and all three robbers and a clerk died!"

"Mam, I do not remember such accusations. If this is a prank call, then I suggest you stop now" Inko could tell she was toeing the line- and this was going worst than she thought.

"Sir if you could just please-" Inko glanced to the side and jumped out of her skin when she saw Izuku there with his hands over his eyes. She ignored the staccato banter on the other line while Izuku's hands left his eyes and motioned her to give him the phone.

Inko, feeling numb for some reason, gave Izuku the phone and his demeanor changed as his eyes went cold.

"Remember" Lust whispered. He gave the phone back to Inko and put his hands over his eyes. As soon as his hands were over his eyes, he dropped them and Izuku blinked a bit before running back to the kitchen with no words said.

Inko put the phone back to her ear just in time to hear the person on the other line say, "I remember"


"Kacchan!" Izuku shouted with glee. It's been a while since he saw his friend and his mother wouldn't let him go to school until all of his personalities, or as Greed calls it 'brothers', showed up. But his mother said that if everything went accordingly then he'd go back to school the following week- which he was very excited for.

Izuku ran to Katsuki but he saw it coming and put his hand on Izuku's head. Bakugo extended his arm so Izuku couldn't hug him and ended up snatching up air.

"Oi Deku- I told you not to fuckin' do that!" Katsuki let go of Izuku's hair as he gasped.

"Kacchan! No cursing!" Izuku looked around and saw his and Katsuki's mom chatting vividly- while Katsuki's dad was on the grill. When Masaru saw Izuku, he waved and the boy reciprocated before he turned back to the grill. Izuku turned back to Katsuki with a wide smile.

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