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As soon as everyone exited Envy's portal, All Might check everyone for injuries. Greed, Pride, and Envy avoided inspection like oil avoids water but Zero welcomed it. Once All Might saw there was no visible blood or wounds coming from any of the students, he took a deep breath and dismissed everyone from class. When people started to leave; All Might made Zero, Greed, Pride, and Envy stay back. Katsuki left eagerly but Todoroki stayed behind. His face was a cross between worry and confusion. Zero went to him and talked with him one-on-one in a whisper before Todoroki nodded and left.

All Might was now left with Midoriya and his brothers.

The same people that haunt his dreams.

He shook off the chilling voice that taunted him in his midnight hour and told them that they had to go see the principal. Greed asked if they did anything wrong and All Might answered with a laugh.

"Oh no, my boy! He just needs to ask you a few things and you'll be good to go!" Greed sighed and ushered confused Zero and his brothers to the changing rooms. Greed ignored his brother's concerning questions and descended on the quest to the principal's office.

He already knew it was going to be a long day.

"I can't believe this" Pride huffed down the hallways. "We do what we're asked, and we get called to the principal's office"

"Calm down Pride" Zero reassured weakly. "I don't think we did anything wrong" Zero twiddled his thumbs as he stood in between Envy and Pride. Greed walked ahead and kept silent until they got to a door. They all stopped and looked at Greed as he turned around to them.

"Zero- you stay silent. I'll do all the talking. Pride and Envy," Pride looked visibly focused while Envy looked in his direction. "remember all possible routes" Pride gave a nod while Envy gave him a thumbs up.

"Roger that" Zero saluted Greed, which made him chuckle and open the door. There were scattered books everywhere, but the brothers could make out a couch, coffee table, and a kitchenette in the corner. A teapot was screaming until a small object moved it from the fire. They all heard the pitter patter of small feet until a rodent like a creature emerged from a stack of books.

Greed took one look at him and immediately knew everything about the principal.

His name is Nezu and his Quirk is called High Spec. This Quirk grants Nezu, who was formerly a regular animal, an intelligence surpassing that of humans. Through this Quirk, Nezu became capable of thinking, speaking, and acting like a human. Due to his high intelligence, Nezu is capable of formulating incredibly intricate battle strategies. This same intellect also grants him great leadership skills, which are acknowledged by the fact that he is the principal of U.A.

Greed shared the information with his brothers and they looked at him before looking back at Nezu.

"It seems that you already know everything about me without me speaking. Interesting" Nezu walked to the couch and made himself comfortable. "Come and sit. I know there are more of you so please feel free to invite them" Zero, Pride, and Envy made their way to the couch on the other side of Nezu, but Greed stayed back. He called on the rest of his brothers and they responded quickly. In the flicker of a flashlight; Gluttony, Sloth, Wrath, and Lust appeared. Greed made his way to the couch along with the rest of the brothers, but Gluttony spotted a plate of shortbread cookies on the counter.

"Go ahead- they are for you" Nezu continued to drink his tea as Gluttony attacked the cookies and sat on the couch. From left to right on the couch it was: Gluttony inhaling cookies, Sloth leaning on him in order to stay awake, Lust typing away on his phone, and Pride sat with his arms crossed in annoyance. Zero sat in the middle and nervously ate a cookie Gluttony offered him. Greed sat to his right (calm and collected), and Wrath was snuggled into Envy's shoulder.

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