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Midoriya Inko moaned into consciousness as she felt something underneath her. She mentally rolled her eyes and tried to pull whatever she was laying on out- so she could go back to sleep.

She felt Velcro straps; a slimy piece of cloth, and a smooth surface that resembled skin.

"Don't you fuckin touch me, you old hag!" Katsuki jerked awake from under her and scrambled to stand up. After noticing who he was talking to, his face flushed. "Sorry, Auntie Inko"

"That's alright, Katsuki" Inko got up slowly and shook the sand out of her pants and shirt. She looked around before noticing that they were at the Dagobah Beach Park. The pile of growing trash seemed to get bigger as the days passed with no importance- and it looked like she and Katsuki were the first visitors after a while.

"Oi! Inko! Katsuki!" A pair of heads turned sharply towards the shouting and noticed Mitsuki running towards them with Olympic speed. Masaru wasn't far behind but smiled happily at both of them- the fear of anyone dying drying off his shoulders.

Mitsuki tackled Katsuki and he moaned in embarrassment- but returned the hug before pushing her away. Masaru chuckled and hugged Inko- each passing words of happiness for the other- and vice versa- because of the new revelations.

"Where is Izuku?" Katsuki asked- bringing everyone back to the elephant in the room.

"I don't know but I hope he's safe" Inko sighed.

"Speaking of Izuku," Mitsuki started. "I didn't know Izuku could do that"

"It wasn't him" Katsuki bit out.

Masaru looked confused. "Katsuki-", he started but Inko interjected.

"He's right- it wasn't him" Inko took a seat in the ever-shifting sand and let it run through her hands. Her thoughts drifted towards Wrath and his actions that separated her and Izuku. She was scared for him- afraid that he'd do something that no one else could understand and they'd take him away forever. Despite watching her life drive itself in crazy, she didn't mind it because she'd do anything to try to give Izuku the happiness that he deserves.

"Then who was it?" Inko snapped out of her thoughts as Mitsuki took a seat across from her and her boys followed silently.

Inko deeply sighed. "You won't understand if I don't tell you from the start"

Inko looked to the calm waves crashing against the steady sand and began the events that changed her household. She told them of the subtle changes- Izuku losing focus constantly, becoming prideful, having immense hunger, or becoming seductive. She told them of the constant nightmares she had that repeated every night like a broken record- and about no matter how much pain she was ready to receive, she never was ready to receive the pain from her son. She told them about each personality and how they met her when they finally met her- Greed with the doctor, Pride and Lust with a robbery, Gluttony with the birds, Sloth and Envy in her dreams, and, finally, Wrath at Izuku's party.

She even told them about how Greed confessed to her that he wanted to kill her- and it scared her everyday because she didn't know if it was going to be her last.

"Every night before bed, I pray that I awake the next morning. I pray that Izuku sleeps a little bit later than I do so that I can at least see it coming. I pray that I'll be able to see Izuku grow up before Greed comes to kill me" Inko started crying but kept talking in a marbled tone. "I feel like my shoulders are eroding away; like I'm losing my focus- like I'm losing my patience with this life I was given. I sometimes feel like my thoughts are always in the basement- that if I take my life then things would be easier because I'm terrified of my own son. I feel like I should continue to pray for Izuku but who will pray for me, Mitsuki? Who will help me?"

Mitsuki said no words as she shuffled towards her friend and tried hugged her pain away. Inko broke down onto Mitsuki's shirt and closed her eyes shut as her fears and worries dripped out her eyes. Masaru and Katsuki surrounded to two in an embrace as Inko's cries was washed away with the sounds of the ocean.

Eventually, Inko pushed away from Mitsuki's drenched shirt and wiped her raw face clean. The hug circle dispersed but everyone still kept their distance close to Inko.

"Do you feel better?" Mitsuki asked. Inko nodded.

Mitsuki shook her head in contentment. "Then why didn't you come to me for help? Inko, you are not alone. You obviously need help with this situation and you can't handle it alone. You have seven, adorable, little devils running around your house and you expect to deal with this by yourself?" Mitsuki tsked and Inko chuckled at her scolding.

"Inko" Masaru spoke and Inko looked at him. "We are friends. If no one will pray for you then we will"

Inko smiled and tears danced along her cheeks like it was a dance floor.

"Plus; Katsuki will help Izuku along the way- won't you?" Katsuki eyed his mother before looking back at Inko.

"I'll always be there for him,  Auntie Inko" Katsuki puffed up his chest and Inko smiled.

"I knew I raised you right" Mitsuki bristled.

"I don't need your fucking acceptance- you old hag!" Katsuki sneered.

"I'm not old, you fucking brat! And who taught you how to fucking curse like that?" Mitsuki grabbed his cheek and pulled- making Katsuki swear more and beat her shoulders with his fists.

"It's like looking in a mirror" Masaru chuckled and Inko followed suit.

"Inko" a new voice answered making everyone stop and look in their direction. On the other side of the beach was Izuku, or what was left of him. His shirt was a crunchy crimson color and his shorts were charred on the bottom. He walked barefoot in the sand- shadows licking at his feet with every move. His face was covered in scratches, but he seemed physically fine.

Inko ran towards her son- despite not knowing who was in control. She gave him a hug that could've broke his spin in half, but she was happy to see that he was alright. Izuku tensed at her hug and patted her back before leaving his arms back at his side again.

"Envy?" Inko guessed. Envy shook his head up and down.

The Bakugos reached Envy but kept their distance.

"Is this the one that wants you dead?" Mitsuki asked in a hushed tone.

Inko wiped the rest of her tears. "No, this is Envy. He helped me out before" Envy looked at the newcomers and pointed at them with his eyebrow raised. "They know all that I know"

Envy blinked and shook his head with a subtle smile on his face. He gestured to the shadow under him and the tendrils answered. They latched on eachother like an ant pile and solidified when the outline of a door could be made. Katsuki's eyes widened at the sight and Envy looked hat him before he could make any sounds of distress.

"It won't hurt you, I promise" Envy soothed and Katsuki calmed down a notch. Mitsuki and Masaru missed Katsuki's slight raise in distress as they watched a door made out of the shadows that festered around Eny's feet.

"I know you told us about the different quirks but it's different seeing it in person" Masaru said in awe.

Envy opened the door and held it open. Inside was a darkened tunnel but a light at the end of it was visible to the party on the other side. "Go in. We are going home"

"Home?" Mitsuki asked. "Despite all that has happened today- you want us to go home?"

Envy shrugged. "It's the best place to be besides here"

Mitsuki shrugged as Inko walked in the door first- no hesitation seen on her face. Mitsuki went in next, along with Katsuki. Masaru walked in cautiously and Envy watched as they all walked towards the light. Envy snapped and a tendril lifted a book from the shadows that pooled at his feet. He opened it up, made a checkmark, and then dropped it into the shadows.

"All going according to plan" Envy shut the door and the door disintegrated.

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