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"Izuku! The letter from Yuuei is here!" Inko rushed into the living room where all the boys were sitting. Lust was talking animatedly over the phone, while Pride and Izuku were talking about fighting techniques. Greed was writing in his agenda, Gluttony was eating three bags of chips at once and Envy was letting Wrath rest on his shoulder while he watched tv.  The chatter instantaneously stopped and Inko wasn't ready for the stampede of boys running towards her. Izuku reached her first; snatching the letter out of her hands. The other boys ran after him, while Greed and Envy calmly followed them to their room. The door shut with a thud and Greed settled himself at the foot of the bed, with Envy by his side and Wrath attached to him by the hip. Sloth was jostled awake and slowly sat up while his brothers crowded around Izuku at the computer.

Izuku wasted no time tearing into the envelope; ignoring the loud murmurs of his brothers trying to get a good sight what was inside. Instead of seeing a letter, Izuku pulled out a disk that was black on one side and blue on the other. He felt the coaster-sized object, but when his finger slid over a button an image popped up. It startled Izuku so much that he dropped the object and Pride quickly went on the offense.

Lust rolled his eyes and pocketed his flip phone. "It's a hologram, calm your tits Pride"

Pride huffed as the hologram flickered with static. Pride was about to say more to Lust but Gluttony shushed the two; chip residue flaking off his fingertips like dandruff. "Hush you too, whatever startin', startin'"

Gluttony seemed to be right as All Might appeared on screen in silence, his presence commanding attention from the eight boys.

"Midoriya Izuku" All Might do a quick flash of hand gestures that ended with him giving a thumbs up to Izuku. "You're just full of surprises aren't ya?"

All Might gives a forced laugh but Izuku accepts it with glee as the other brothers watch All Might's mannerisms in silence.

He's afraid.

All Might continues. "You, my boy, must be a genius! Passed the writing portion easily, and then did so well in the physical test that we had to hold a retake because it was impossible for other contestants to win!"

Izuku slowly turned towards Greed, Envy, and Wrath; who were sitting on the bed in relaxed awe. "You guys did that?"

Greed shushed him and pointed back towards All Might.

"You scored so well that you now hold a new record for the entrance exams! We look forward to your appearance in class on Monday. Congratulations Midoriya Izuku!" All Might is shown clapping with a congratulations banner overhead and then the hologram flickered off.

"That was relatively fast don't you think" Sloth whispered to Greed but the answer was drowned out by Izuku's outburst of joy. He got out of his chair, and his brothers made room for him to dance in pure bliss.

"We did it, guys!" Izuku hugged Pride and Gluttony and jumped up and down with him.

"Technically I didn't do anything" Pride confessed.

"But you were there for me and that's all that counts!" Izuku stopped jumping and hugged Lust.

"Oh, I'd do anything to see you smile like this" Lust embraced Izuku in a bear hug and Izuku responded by snuggling into his chest.

After a while, Envy peeled Izuku from Lust. Izuku laughed innocently and hugged Envy before Envy pulled Wrath in for a group hug.

Envy smiled.

"What about us?" Sloth exasperated.

Izuku separated himself from Envy and Wrath. He hugged Sloth, then slid into Greed's arms like a puzzle piece going to its' correct spot in the puzzle.

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