la vie en rose (24)

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all mistakes are mine.

"ma, i'll miss you. i'll be back as soon as i can," i cooed and hugged my grandma tighter.

we're currently standing outside my grandmother's house - my body was ready to leave philadelphia, but my heart didn't want to.

"i'll be back," i repeated, sadness laced in my voice.

she hummed in approval and slowly peeled herself away from me. i looked at her with a slight pout, but she merely chuckled.

"wipe that pout off your face," she said. "you look better when you smile!"

instead of smilling, i pouted more. i really didn't want to leave my grandma, but i have to go back to L.A because i need to show austin a new song i wrote while i stayed here in my hometown, plus, veronica and i planned something. and by something, i mean a "vacation".

veronica and i had gotten really, really close ever since chaeyoung and i decided that it was best to take a break from our relationship. some would think that i'm being unfair to chaeyoung, but i would like to think otherwise. i mean, who knows what chaeyoung might be doing right now? she might be hanging out with jungkook at this moment or doing something that's not appropriate. the possibilities are endless.

but i'd like to think that chaeyoung would never do that to me.

"go on," grandma uttered before giving me a gentle shove.

"okay, okay," i chuckled lightly. i hugged her for the last time and quickly kissed her forehead. we exchanged waves before i finally and reluctantly slid behind the wheel of my car. with a heavy heart, i started the engine and drove off. i didn't miss how her lips slowly turned into a frown on the rear view mirror. i badly wanted to go back, but i knew that austin, ally and veronica was waiting for me.

and chaeyoung too.

i drove on autopilot, i had everything in this area memorized - to the most obvious details and to the littlest details. i grew up here, i guess it's normal. when my car passed by my old high school, i couldn't help but smile bitterly. it brought back bad and good memories.

i glanced at my wrist watch while my other hand is relaxed on the stirring wheel. i sighed, 40 more hours to go.

when the sound of wheels brushing against hard cement made me feel like i was completely alone and isolated from everything else, i decided that i'd connect my phone into my car's speaker, and blast some music to hide the fact that the silence of having no one in this boring and long journey is making me a tad bit sad.

i quickly tapped on the shuffle button, and instantly, a song started to play.

now playing: la vie en rose by edith piaf

"hold me close and hold me fast
the magic spell you cast
this is la vie en rose."

a smile immediately crept its way onto my bland face the moment i heard the first verse of our favourite song. well, i don't know if this is still chae's favorite song. we haven't talked in 4 months.

but i remember singing this song to chaeyoung whenever i had the chance to. every time chae asks me to sing something for her, i would most of the time, sing her la vie en rose. sometimes, i would even sing with my ukulele. this song makes me happy because i knew that it made her happy in a way.

"when you press me to your heart
i'm in a world apart
a world where roses bloom."

i remember being asked by someone what song i would like to sing for chaeyoung every single day; i didn't hesitate to answer la vie en rose.

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