Part 1

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The library seemed to be the group's normal hangout area. It'd become that when they were kicked out of the gym one afternoon. The high school library was always open in the afternoons from 3:30 to 6:00. After that they had to leave. They found it oddly more of a secretive place to go. Their slogan was "Things said at the computers in the school library stay at the computers in the school library." 

 Whenever Lance wasn't there, Pidge and Hunk made Keith talk about his little crush on Lance. Yeah, the word "little" was definitely an understatement. The only reason they'd been convinced that it was little was because he never talked about it. The only person he felt he could confide in often was Shiro. 

But the main problem with his crush was that Lance was as straight as an arrow. It was obvious by the way he flirted with girls way too often. A lot of times he got turned down by them when he tried to ask them out. But every so often he'd convince them to go on a date with him. If he ever had a relationship, it never lasted longer than a simple month. 

Another problem that occurred to Keith was the fact that Lance hated him. 

Hated was not a strong word in this situation. Because hate and despise meant two different things. If he despised Keith,he wouldn't even hang out with him. He considered Keith his "frenemy." And Keith still had no idea why he liked this idiot. There was something about him that was just so charming. He could definitely see why chicks were so into him.

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