Part 7

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We were back in the library again, which somehow one day became our favorite place to hang out. 

As usual, Lance was taking forever to arrive. We assumed as always he was talking to Allura and Nyma in the hallway. Most likely next to his locker. And I guessed he was most likely leaning against it like he always does when he talks to girls. And he was probably making that stupidly hot face with his cheeky grin and upturned eyebrow and--

Shut up, Keith, he's not /that/ hot.

Yes he is.




I had my nose in a book that is recently gotten hooked on. There'd be no point in naming it. I had blocked out all of the noise the other two were making. For the moment, it was just me and the boy in my book, who had a lot of the same problems as me. I felt like I /was/ him. Both mostly closeted gays who just wanted their lives to be normal. For the most part, my life was normal. Well, if you didn't include my mom leaving, dad dying, living at an orphanage for a while, Shiro taking me in, getting kicked out of multiple schools, and my crush hates me....

I was so into the story that I hadn't even heard Lance enter the room, and that's saying a lot because Lance has his way of always making an extreme and over the top entrance.

Which was cute in a way.

I didn't notice his existence within the room until he came up behind me all stealth-like and snatched the book away from my eyes. I had a moment of delayed reaction before quickly turning around and teaching for the book. Lance held it above his head as I jumped to get it. Now, he was just making fun of our very small height difference. And for the record, five foot seven is not short. Hell, Pidge was five foot two!

 Lance held the book away from me. I was thankful that he wasn't so cruel that he closed it. Instead he had two fingers in between the pages.

 "Aren't you listening to anything in saying?!" He asked, an annoying expression. I was confused. If course I wasn't listening . 

I shook my head.

 "Listen, jackass," He began, handing the book back to me, which I slid a bookmark into and set on the table gently. 

 " We're going to the movies this weekend. You going or not? " he asked with a bit of mock in his voice. Yet, I could see him slightly blushing. I didn't know if it was from embarrassment or something else. His face was hard to read. 

I shrugged. "I guess so."

 " Okay. " he said. "Its at 6 on Saturday." He finished calmly, taking a seat across from me. I looked over at Pidge and Hunk who were giving me "the look."

 I knew what that look meant. It meant they were expecting me to live up to my promise and confess to Lance. I didn't want to. I wanted to keep our relationship as a "we're -friends-but-secretly-i-have-a-crush-on-you-and-youll-never-know" relationship. As far as I knew, Pidge and Hunk were going to make it happen, whether I liked it or not.

I glanced over at the dark-skinned boy then back at the two. The silence was getting to me. 

Lance had no idea about our weird plotting eye contact since he was staring at his phone. 

Pidge looked at me again, a stern expression.

 "Do it or I will. You can't hide it from him forever," she mouthed silently. I sighed and looked over at Lance.

 Was I really going to do this?

What would he say?

What would be do??

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