Part 12

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(3rd Person Point of View)

That night, Keith Kogane was rushed directly to the emergency room. He was alive, which everyone was thankful for. He had hit the grass instead of the concrete, which left him with less injuries. It could've been been fatal. But it wasn't, which was all that mattered.

Everyone but Lance came to visit him while he was in comatose, which the doctors had said would last for an unknown time, but definitely no longer than a month. 

Keith has broken many bones, fractured parts of his skull, and lost consciousness after his fall. There was no better explanation for his comatose. 

So far, it was day 3 that Pidge and Hunk came to visit again. They would talk to him as if he were awake and could hear them. They even brought him things and set them on the nightstand. Shiro came at night and slept in the hospital room with him in case he woke up in the night. He never did. Not yet at least. 

They had told Shiro what happened. They told him everything. He deserved to know more than anyone. And yes, he was more than angry at Lance for what happened. Not just for the situation, but because he hasn't tried to fix it or come by to make sure Keith was okay.

And why hadn't he gone by? He was scared. He knew what he would see. He knew what he would hear. He had lost people in the hospital before and it was terrible. But this time? This time, the reason someone he loved was there was because of him.

Lance did love Keith. He had his reasons for shooting him down like that, but he admitted to even to himself that he had no right to say those things to him. Keith was like glass and could be broken easily. Not just physically but emotionally as well. 

That afternoon, Lance got a text message from Pidge. At first, he didn't care look at it, as he knew what it would say. But the suspense was killing him so bad that he had to look at it. No matter what it was, he had no intention of replying.

[You really need to get your sorry ass down to this hospital. This is your fault and you know it and that's why you're running from it. You can't hide from this forever, Lance. Because if Keith dies, you'll regret it for the rest of your life.]

The words replayed over and over in his mind until he recieved another message about an hour later.

[Lance, this is Hunk. Listen. Please come to the hospital. Keith needs you and you know you need him too. Shiro is here and Pidge and I think you should apologize. You don't even have to say anything. 'I'm sorry' can be said in more ways than one.]

He was going. No matter what his mind told him to do, he knew his friends were right. They were right about everything. And he knew he would have to face Shiro, whether he liked it or not. But the poor guy deserved an apology from the boy that hurt his "brother." 

 So yeah, Lance was going to that hospital.

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