Part 16

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After another week in the hospital, the doctors finally concluded that Keith would be awake within a couple of days. If they ended up being incorrect, they would be the ones taking responsibility for the reason he hasn't woken up yet.

Lance, just as he had promised, continued to come by every morning and afternoon to visit Keith. He would often talk to him softly with both of his hands held over the unconscious boy's. 

It was before long that Lance had begun to wonder if Shiro would inform his family about the incident, but fortunately when he asked the man, he said no. He was very thankful for that. When someone asked what happened to Keith, the group has made the regular excuse of 'car accident. ' 

A/N: yes, I am aware of how short this chapter was, but I have my own reasons for it^^ Stayed Tuned for the next!

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