Part 21

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(Keith's Point of View)

Though I was released from the hospital almost a week ago, I remained in a wheelchair. My legs still needed to heal from the fall. I wasn't ready to go back to school yet, so Pidge dropped some work by my house every day for me to do. I was extremely behind, but I guess that's how it is when you miss school for almost 3 weeks. 

Lance, on the other hand, has gone back already, but he still came by every afternoon to see me. Our relationship had gotten much better after I was in the hospital. We both agreed to act like the entire event never happened in the first place.

I never forgot the fact that he had told me that he loved me. I loved him too. Of course I did. He meant everything to me. 

And finally one day, he asked me to be his boyfriend. 

So now we're dating.

I had forgotten what it felt like to be in love. I used to think that love was this horrible way the world made you die on the inside and build up again just to die all over again. 

Yeah, maybe it is like that. But it's not entirely a horrible thing. It's just the way life works.

It's because of Lance that I don't want to die and I'm afraid of death. I was never afraid of death before because I never believed that I was living for something, but now I am.

I'm living for him. And I'm living for Shiro, Pidge, and Hunk.

I'm aware of how cliché that sounds, but it's the truth.


(1 month later.)

 "I have made so many mistakes in my life..." Lance whispered to me as we lied on my bed , the lights out, under the covers, in our underwear.

 "That was my biggest one and I'm so sorry, Keith..."

 " you're still apologizing? "

 "I told you I'd be apologizing for the rest of my life, didn't I?" He chuckled, running his hands across my hips gently, our legs intertwined.

 " you don't need to..I already forgave you. "

 "I don't deserve your forgiveness...or anyone's. I made you want to kill yourself. What makes that worth being forgiven?"

 I said nothing. I didn't really have a good answer to that question. Maybe it wasn't, but I forgave him because I love him. 

 "I'm such a horrible person."

 " not you're not"

 "I love you.." He whispered to me as he leaned into me and kissed my lips softly at first. 

 " I love you.. " he repeated, pressing his lips into mine more roughly as he gripped my waist tightly.

 "I love you too.."

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