Part 10

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(3rd Person Point of View)

After Keith left the room, it was silent. Lance stood motionless at the table, his chair still lying on the floor, untouched. Hunk was holding him by his shoulders. Pidge stayed at the door, stunned. After all, she had seen Keith's face as he pushed past her out of the library. That look was something she would never forget. His eyes puffy and red, tears streaming from them endlessly, eyebrows tilted upward as far as they could go, frown brought into a line of tightly gritted teeth, anguish tugging at his lips. 

There was no doubt about it: Lance had fucked up big time. 

Pidge brought herself to move from her position as she approached the shocked Cuban, his eyes staring emotionless down at the floor. His head slightly lifted as she stood in front of him. 

 "Pidge, I--" 

His unfinished comment was met with a rough punch in the nose. He looked back at her and touched his finger to his nostril, watching the blood drip from his fingers. 

Pidge was silent for a moment. Hunk let go of his friend's shoulders and looked away. 

 The silence broke.

 "I didn't want to say this, but Lance fucked up.You fucked up majorly." 

 Though her voice was quiet, it held a sense of pure anger and remorse within it. She just wanted to feel her fist in his face again, but she held back. 

Hunk stood at her side now, his soft and gentle eyes now slanted with a sense of sadness in them.

 " hurt him. You hurt him badly. And I never say this to anyone, especially not to you because you're my friend...But what you did was messed up." 

 Pidge looked away angrily, her voice raised a bit.

 "Do you know how nervous he was to tell you this?! He didn't even want to tell you because he saw something like this coming!" 

 Lance said nothing.

 "So.." She continued more quietly. 

 " if you're not going after him, then we are. " she concluded, watching for a change in his expression. It stayed how it was.

 "I see.." She finally said. " well have fun moping, jackass. " 

Pidge stomped out of the library in seconds, leaving Hunk with Lance. 

Lance looked at him as if hoping he would understand what he was going through. But Hunk gave him the most disapproving and disappointed glare before following Pidge.

Lance was alone. 


Something he never thought he would hate until now. 

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