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A/N: Okay this is part of a roleplay I was doing with someone and I just wanted to share it with the people of Wattpad! I'm leaving it how it is when we typed it! I hope this can be a little transition from the depressing story you just read!

"Hurry up, I can't hold this forever." He laughed.
after that picture, he decided to transfer the kiss to Lance's lips. He turned his head toward him and pushed them together softly.
He was loving the feeling of their bodies slightly pressed together.
At the last minute he ripped his own shirt off and smacked Lance's ass with it playfully, laughing.
"Oops, I think I slapped your pancake ass out of existance" he joked.

Lance snapped the picture and threw his phone back at his pocket as he was suddenly kissed upon the lips, a soft grunt escaping him. He loved it when Keith teased him like that in a way, his head tilted into the embrace, almost growing more passionate before he felt the material of a shirt slap against his ass. He gasped loudly and pouted, grabbing his own ass. "Hey! Who are you calling pancake ass!" He grabbed the shirt and whipped the boy back playfully, letting out a loud laugh. "Now your ass can join mine in non existence!"

"At least I have an ass!" He laughed, running around a bench to avoid his rear getting slapped again. Whenever he saw Lance coming for him, he tricked him and ran around again.
" get juked! " he shouted threatically. "The pancake ass has been juked!!"

"You take that back right now!" Lance gasped in a exaggerated voice, swinging the shirt around in his hand and following him around the room. "Your ass may be thicker, but mines pretty sweet too! Admit it!" He yelled out in a playful voice, jumping up onto a bench and leaping out onto Keith. "Timber!" He screamed out, the shirt rising up to smack his ass.

"Gah!!" Keith shouted, trying to shield himself. " I'm not taking it back!! " he laughed.
He squealed like a little girl as the shirt smacked against his ass. He reached in Lance's direction to grab the shirt out of his grip.
What was completely hilarious was the fact that a child and his slightly older brother walked in the locker room during the entire scene and Keith didn't even notice.

Lance snorted accidentally as he hit the boy's ass, almost loosing grip of the shirt. He panted softly from the slight exhaustion but held the shirt up high, at least he had height advantage over the other. "Alright, say it! Or no shirt!" Lance had no idea about the two brothers in the room either, but boy would he be embrassed when he did. "Repeat after me," he coughed and smirked down at his boyfriend, "Lance McClain does have an incredibly fine ass indeed... And it's bigger and better than mine!"

Keith could only laugh. "As if!" He shouted, reaching for the shirt playfully. He walked toward Lance, backing him into the lockers. He held his hands on both sides of him and pushed his lips to his to distract him. He deepened his kiss as he slowly reached for the shirt. He was trying to make the kiss as steamy as he could to keep Lance occupied, every so often moaning into it. When he finally grabbed it, he yanked it from Lance's grip and ran across of the room with it held over his head.

Lance gasped and puffed his cheeks as he felt his back slam into the lockers, his chest rising and falling fast as his hands stayed upright. The feeling on being pushed against the lockers only reminded him of his highshool life. Except he'd be the one pushing someone against the lockers trying to seduce them. But here he was, the boy's soft lips against his own as he was being played with for the shirt. The Cuban boy gave in too quick, his hands weakening but the kiss growing stronger. It was almost an instant reflex to wrap his arms around Keith, but he was too late. His lips were hit with the cold air again and Keith ran off to the other side. Lance felt exposed and slightly flustered, crossing his arms. "H-Hey man! What the hell! I was enjoying that kiss..." He mumbled the last part and licked his bottom lip, his feet pacing back to him.
"Now I want an apology kiss!" He protested.

Keith was laughing so hard he sounded like a pig. But his laughter stopped the moment he saw the two boys standing in the room. His face went pale. He didn't even know how long they'd been standing there. They weren't all that old. One looking about 8 and the other around 5. They stood with wide eyes full of curiosity. Keith could tell they'd never seen anyone kiss before just by the look on their faces. It was his expression when he first discovered porn when he was little.
He didn't know what to say. Kids weren't his thing. He didn't know a thing about them. He looked over at Lance, hoping he was better with kids that Keith was.

A/N: and that's all I'm putting here!

Hope you all enjoyed this story and I hope you stay tuned for when I write the next klance fanfic, which in calling "Violet Night"

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