Part 19

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(Keith's Point of View)

Pidge and Hunk arrived at the hospital sooner that I had expected. They'd come when a nurse was taking blood, which was fine since it wasn't anything big. Though I hated being pricked with a needle, the pain was far less miserable than  the breathing tube. There weren't any more chairs in the hospital room, so the two of them had to stand next to the bed. 

Just as I had expected, I was being attacked with hugs. I knew I wasn't much of a huggy person, but I didn't mind it. 

 "We're so glad that you're awake!" Pidge said wrapping her arms around my neck and almost choking me to death. 

 "How are you feeling?" Hunk asked, concerned look in his brown eyes.

 " Sore. " I answered in the most raspy tone possible. It had just occurred to me that my legs were put in casts and my left arm bandaged from the shoulder down. My right hand was bandaged only in the wrist. I could move my arms, but my legs were going to be immobile for a while. I would probably be subjected to a wheelchair for a few months. 

I watched as Pidge's expression here slightly more distressed than it was only a few seconds ago. 

 "We have something for you to listen to.." She said softly. I didn't know what she was talking about. Maybe music? 

 but instead she pulled out her phone and scrolled through some audio recordings before setting the phone in my lap and pressing play. 

This was...Lance talking. 


It just occurred to me that I was here because of Lance. I began to remember the entire situation, the event playing in my head over and over, his words tearing my heart into shreds. I remembered why I had jumped off of the roof. 

I listened to the audio anyway. I tried to process all of his words as he whispered them softly.

["I don't need you to forgive me..I just need you to listen and know that no matter how little these words mean, I really truly am so so sorry, Keith"]

That was true. I didn't want to forgive him and I didn't want to believe that he was sorry. Because I didn't know if he was.

["but I was too stubborn to accept that you of all people could like someone like me"]

Someone like you? who wouldn't have liked someone like you?

[ " I know my family would never accept me if I told them that I liked a guy... "]

At this point in the recording, I couldn't help but feel bad for him. 

["But...please know that..I love you, Keith. And it's probably not obvious right now because of everything I've done to you." ]

I was crying and I didn't even notice it until I saw a small drop of water fall into the phone. I wanted to wipe my tears, but I couldn't move my hands.

[ "as long as I live, I'll still be apologizing to you, knowing it'll never be enough. And that thought will be the last thought on my mind when I die." ]

Shiro hurried over with a tissue and handed it to me as I weakly raised my arm to clear the tears from my cheeks. As the recording ended, I heard the door open and looked over. 

It was Lance.

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