Part 4

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I woke up the next morning, completely still sleepless. Mind you, I did not wake to the sound of birds and crickets outside my window, but rather loud and obnoxious FUCKING LEAF BLOWERS. 

God damn these neighbors...

I also woke half an hour than I normally did because my alarm clock was broken. (Which I didn't know at the time.)

I completely skipped breakfast after showering and getting dressed. I went straight to school to finish the remaining homework left untouched in my bag. Shiro wasn't awake to wish me a goodbye so I left on my own. I had a car, only it was more broken down than anything. Torn leather seats and scratches all over the inside and out. The paint was chipped and it was an old model. (Not that I cared much. As long as it ran, I was fine.)

I finished my homework within maybe 30 minutes, which probably left some errors but it's better than not finishing at all. 

I met up with the others in our first period. Lance was bugging me as usual...But in more ways than one. Why did this idiot have to be so fucking adorable?? Yet he was sooo annoying!! I hated myself for liking him every time my eyes wandered in his direction during class. 

Once--and only once-- I ended up staring at him for so long that the teacher decided to announce it to the class. "McClain, I think Mr.Kogane would like to have a staring contest with you, " she had said. I was so ready to stand up and bust the woman's nose for God's sake.

Lance constantly teased me about that. I don't think he actually knew why I was staring at him. I made sure to keep my eyes on the teacher during a lesson. 

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