Part 13

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Lance had already decided that he was going to that hospital to see Keith. There was no turning back now and he had already told himself that at least a million times.

On his way there, he gripped the steering wheel of his car tighter in frustration, swearing at every small mistake made by the other drivers on the road. The only thought on his mind at that moment was how badly he fucked up, and admitting it to himself took everything. He knew he did, yet he wanted to be the one to be right, yet he wasn't. And he knew now that words hurt more than actions and that he is the reason Keith was in the hospital.

And truth be told, he didn't know how to feel about Keith. The boy told him that he had likes him since the beginning. What did Lance feel toward him? Just friendship? Maybe...maybe something more that he refused to believe? Every thought that he had of Keith in the past made the ravenette seem more adorable that Lance had seen him at the time those memories took place. It was the little things he did, like when he bit his lower lip when he was nervous, how he gently moved the black strands of hair from his eyes, how he humorously rolled his eyes at Lance's ridiculous puns... And it was that moment that Lance wondered why and how had he taken notice of these small details about Keith, and why and how did he remember them so vividly? He had never paid much attention to the things Keith said and did much before...or maybe he thought he didn't. 

 He remembered clearly now when he perfectly tossed a wad of paper into the trashcan from all the way across the library and cheered triumphantly.

 "There you go, Sharpshooter~" Keith had said just barely above his breath, a small smirk across his pale cheeks . 

He had been flirting and dropping hints with Lance this entire time and Lance hadn't noticed. Or at least, he didn't /want/ to notice.  How could he have been so damn blind? 

A/N: this one was shorter because I'm saving the rest for the next chapter and I wanted to get a chapter out today so yeah. Hope you don't mind. I'll write more soon!

Thank you so much of you've stayed in tune with this story so far! I hope you like it^^

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