Part 17

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(Keith's Point of View)

After what seemed like years, I opened my eyes. And upon doing that, I had no idea where I was or what I was doing last. All I knew was that my ears were filled with the loud beeping of what sounded like a heart monitor next to me. I thought of the only place I knew that had a heart monitor. 

I was in the hospital.

That was strange...the last thing I thought was that I was dead. 

I couldn't move...or speak. 

The pain of a large tube running down my throat was what made me panic. I'd never been hospitalized before. If this was what it was like, I hated it with a burning passion. 

No one was around when I woke up and I could barely move at all so I had no way of alerting the nurses that I was awake. I saw the call button, but the arm that was the closest to it was hooked up to an IV. 

I didn't know what to do. I could feel the tears leaking from the corners of my eyes. If I were to make a sound, no one would hear me, it was the middle of the night. All I could do was lie in that boring blank hospital room, pained, and miserable. 

The tears didn't go away. I wasn't much of a crier--which was hard to believe-- but in a situation like this, anyone would cry.

I just wished someone would come to discover me soon.

And like a message from the gods, my plea was heard as Shiro walked in in the midst of my panicky distress. 

He seemed panicked as well when he saw me awake and quickly ran to get a nurse. 

And like what seemed like a scene from a movie, I was freed from the breathing tube and given some water to clear my throat. I couldn't speak yet--at least not clearly, but at least I was slightly more comfortable that I was two seconds ago.

Shiro pulled a chair up next to the bed and smiled. I thought I saw some tears forming in his eyes. In my mind I pleaded, please don't cry, Shiro.

I watched his fingers move quickly as he texted someone. 

 "Pidge and Hunk are on their way here"

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