Part 5

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Time to talk about Lance...

The dreaded subject that my mind just keeps on switching back to. 

I can't get him out of my goddamn head.

Why do I even like him??


It started my freshman year of highschool. I was fairly new at the school at the time and I didn't know, at all. 

Id moved plenty of times, getting used to being kicked out of schools for my reckless behavior. (I got into fights easily.) But this one seemed different than all the rest. 

Lance was the most popular kid in the school at the time. (He still is actually.) He mostly hung out with Pidge and Hunk. These two knew I was new just by looking at me. Lunch was the most difficult time of day for me. I sat alone at most, but other times I would go to the library without eating to avoid the stares from the school. Pidge and Hunk offered to sit with me one day. I didn't know how to say no...or Yes for that matter. It just kind of went from there. They sat there every day. Then one day, they invited Lance. He declined at first, calling it the nerd table, but he eventually gave into it.

We didn't get along. That's an understatement. He hated me. He doesn't anymore, but he... "Highly dislikes" me, I quote. He calls me the "ultamite package inside of a douche." (I didn't get it honestly. And I still don't. )

But something inside of me always told me that I wanted to be with a romantic way. Now most of the time I trust my mind, and my intentions. But when I felt that...I had to question myself, "What the hell are you thinking?!" It was pretty obvious that Lance had his way with women. Literally every girl in the school was easily swayed by his presence. Even if they liked girls, they were at least brought  little light every time he walked pass them. He has this natural ray of sunshine to him that hardly made him dislikeable. But that's why I don't like him...

Pidge tried to convince me a few times that maybe he could possibly be into men one day. She was so smart that she could tell the sexuality of a person by very close observation. She knew that I was gay the day after she met me. And when she asked me, I said yes. She cheered like she normally did when she was correct. 

But Lance...

I could never have him...

He was too far out of my reach. 

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