Chapter 7

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Mani POV

Hey y'all I'm mani Lay other Bestfriend I'm 20 and in the game . Beside Lay I am one of the most dear female in the game . You know my boyfriend Tay with his fine ass . Me and Lay are closer the me and chay . She always seem kind of jealous of us but it's whatever.

" bitch where you at " I called walking up the stair in Lay condo . Yes I have a key but chay don't . " i in my room " she yelled through the condo .

Walking in her room she been laying on the bed on her phone . "Man I say bored Lay " I said jumping on her bed. " bitch if my bed break ima kill you " she said looking up from her phone .

" yeah yeah but so have you and act fuck yet " I said boldly. She look up laughing " it's only been a week Mani damn " she said . " and that's a week to long my nigga shit I know you Bestfriend and I know you really like him so why the wait " I raised my eyebrow .

" well he never lead me on to it so ion press him about it " she shrugged.  " bitch I think you should show him why your name Lay and that you really my Bestfriend " I said sticking my tongue out.

" you right maybe after this mission we got coming up I'll show him that I am my daddy's daughter " she stick her tongue . " ahhh bitchhhhh " we said at the same time .

Two days later

Meeting at the trap I had everybody meet me in the back to go over the plan. " aye y'all so we have to be smooth with this one okay no fuck ups now y'all know rosco right " I said and they nodded they heads . " him and his boys tried to take over our trap on the east near downtown and he took over 50k " I said looking around the room.

" what the fuck is he stupid " jerry said . " ion know but here's the plan today we head up his baby momma house and his momma house " I said .

When comes down to money I'll kill anybody I don't be giving a fuck . When I want to see blood, I do at any means necessary. " Ace , me and jerry gone inter from the front and mani , javon and clay from the back we all meet up in the center got it " I said slamming my hand down.

" got it " everybody said . Everybody left besides me and Ace . " my girl looks so cute in her element" Ace said wrapping his arms around me . " Thanks but I don't play when it comes to this shit" I said doing the same. Somebody clears their throat .

I look up and saw javon . We haven't talk since the day me and Ace made it official. " lay can I talk to you " he said . " sure wassup " I said still in ace arms .

" in private " he said looking at Ace . " it's okay Ace " I said looking at him . " ima be outside the door just yell if he try something " he kiss me and walked out.

" shoot " I said . " look I apologize for the way I acted the other day I let my jealously get the best of me and I should have handled it better and I don't want our friendship to end like this "He said with sad eyes .

" I been forgave you jay I low key missed my Bestfriend but you really had me looking at you different why all of a sudden you caught feelings " I said looking down. He really had me confused about my feelings.

" can we forget I even mention that and moved pass that so we good " he said holding out his hands . " yeah we good " I hugged him . " now let's go get ready to kill these niggas " jay said.

Everybody gathering in big truck heading down to rosco neighborhood. We park a couple blocks down . " alright Cj you stay here one of us we'll call you when you need to pull up front got it , now everybody else let's go " I said .

Moving back down to his mother house I saw there was no cars there. I stop everybody " y'all remember the plan" I said looking up at all them.

" yeah " the said together. " alright put y'all silencers on and move out " me , Ace and jerry continue forward to the front . Ace kick the door down and started shooting . Then jerry and I came in after him shooting too.

I saw two men in the living room and shit thin in the head . Jerry got somebody that was coming down stair . Ace went into the kitchen and got who ever was in there .

I saw mani , javon and clay come from the back with blood on them . I motion my hands to go upstairs everybody followed .

" we go down the hall y'all go the other way" I whispered.  We moved and I saw a light from under a door and heard moaning.  I looked at Ace who looked at jerry .

" open it " I whispered to Ace. He looked at me crazy and just easy the door open . We saw none other then rosco fucking some hoe . I shot the hoe in the back she fall to the floor screaming .

" what the fuck who y'all " rosco said . " don't wonder  about who I am where the ducking money nigga" I said with anger . I could see the fear in his eyes and that had me feeling more satisfied.

" I-I don't know what you talking bout" his scared ass said . Ace chuckled " he pussy ass scared " . Jerry and I laughed. I pointed at jerry because if I said his name we could fuck up . " you check the closet " o said looking back.

" you thought you could steal and get away with it " I said walking towards him . I grab his shirt pulling him off the bed pistol wiping him . " huh " I said .

"Man bitch ion steal shit " rosco said spitting out blood. " aye watch you mouth " Ace said kicking him . " ahhhh " rosco scream in pain . " ima ask again where's the money " I said .

" fuck you " he said . I shot him in the knee hearing a pop sound . " ahhhhh fuck" he said in pain. Just as I was about to shot him again mani came in . " we find 4 duffle bags of money and one of drugs " she said .

" damn I just got started " I rolled my eyes . " let's move out of of y'all call ole boy " I said . " what we gone do with him " jerry pointed at rosco . I pointed my gun at him " man y'all got the money get the fuck out " he said .

I chuckled " knock knock " I said . " who's there " everybody said . " hell " I said . " hell who " they said .  " hell is where he going " I shot rosco in his head while his brain went everywhere.

" damn Lay you so cold hearted " Ace said . " he should have never fuck with my family business " I said walking out the room.  Everybody followed and we saw cj in the front . " go go go " i said running in the truck " cj call the clean up crew ASAP " Javon said . As cj speed off and called them we all was just chilling.

" so we just not gone talk about what happened " Ace said breaking the silence. Everybody laughed " no it's something Lay do all the time to light up the mood because not all us want to just be sad watching someone brains get blown out " jerry said . 

" oh well y'all kind of scared a nigga back there " Ace said . For the rest of the ride we all told jokes and trip till we got to the trap .


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