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Lay woke me back up around 3 telling me that she's going to get Jah and if I need a car use one of hers. I got up took a shower and did my hygiene things.

After getting dress I got the keys to her BMW and left. I went to the one place I know I wasn't welcome but I had to see this shit for myself.

Pulling up to his house I got out and knock on the door. Few seconds later a drown skin pregnant girl open the door.

"Hello May I help you?" She asked.

"Yeah is Javon here?" I said.

"Who's asking ?" She squint her eyes at me looking me up and down.

"An old friend I'm Jalayah's cousin and I came by to see the old crew" I smirk .

"Who's at the door baby?" I heard his deep voice say then appear at the door.

"Janae when you get back it's been 3 years girl" he said hugging me. Lord I missed his smell . I smiled at him and saw the the girl looked confused.

"Lay called me in last night to handle some business with her you know how we go" I said.

"Come in " he said stepping aside. We walked in the house and it was nice . A little girl ran down stairs and jump on Jay.

"Daddy I want cookie" the little girl said.

"Wait till after dinner ok baby girl now go watch tv " he said.

"You have a daughter now" I asked already knowing that.

"Yeah a lot has change when you went back the second time " he rub the back of his head.

Just then the same girl walked in and sat right next to him. Her stomach was kind of big so she had to be some months.

"Nae this is my girlfriend Mariah, Mariah this is an old friend she's Lay cousin" he said.

"I know she told me at the door" she said with an attitude. Lord don't make me have to fight a pregnant lady I honestly don't care about that baby I thought to my self.

"Hi " was all I said to her. " so Jay i just stop by to see how you was doing because I'm only down here for 4 days " I said getting up.

He walked me to the door and I opened it. I turn to him and say bye but he grab me. "Your number still the same" I nodded.

"I'll text you" he said and I walked to my car. It really hurts me to see that Jay moved on but I do live in a whole another state.

But my love will never change for him and he knows that. If I have to move on then I will.


When Nae left I can tell that she was hurt. After I had got her number that day at the trap we been texting none stop and hock up a few times before she left the first time but we stop it.

We started again 3 months after we stop because I had like the bond we had. She came back for Jahleel 1st birthday party and been here for 6 months we been so close but she had to leave again .

"Did you and that girl had something going on?" Mariah said breaking me out my throughts.

"Yeah but it wasn't that serious why?" I looked at her.

"I got a vibe from her that I don't like while she down here stay away from her Javon I'm not playing " she said.

"I feel you baby damn" I kissed her and walked up to my office to text Nae.

Jay🙄: meet me at Tay house in 2 hours
Nae😌: bet

I might get fuck up for this but I have to explain myself to her and let her down easy.

Mariah POV

Jay just left the house to go somewhere I got queen ready so I can go my brother house. I need to talk to somebody and I don't have any friends around here besides Lay but the girl is her cousin.

I just got to Andre house and walked through the doors because I had an key. I saw jr running out the living upstairs and Lexie on the couch.

"Oh hey Mariah what brings you by ?" Lexie said. Every since I've met her was so nice to me but she got a smart mouth and got them hands.

"Where's Andre I need to talk to him?" As soon as I finish my sentence he walking in drinking a water bottle.

"What you got to talk about now?" He asked sitting by Lexie across from me.

"It's this girl from jays past she came back in town to handle business but she stop by to see him and I feel some type of way because what if his old feelings come back and leave me with the kids" I sigh.

"Who's the girl?" He asked then drink some of his water.

"Some girl name Janae" he spit the water out and I saw that Lexie twist her faces up.

"Janae light skin my fucking cousin she's back and didn't tell me ima kill her" Lexie said.

"She told us that she's back to handle business with Lay but she's your cousin too?" I asked.

"Yes all our dads are brothers but I know Nae she don't like to break up Happy homes because it's not her honestly she doesn't even know about you" Lexie said.

"How you mean don't know about me?" I raised a eyebrow.

"All me and Lay told her was that Jay has a daughter and that the baby momma was Ace cousin she didn't know if y'all was together or not " she shrugged.

" why didn't y'all tell her that we was together " I rolled my eyes tasing my voice some.

"First of all Look here bitch you not gone talk reckless to me because you in your feelings I don't care if you are Icy sister or pregnant I'll drag you sis, second of all that wasn't my place to tell her anything " she said sitting up.

"You not gone be doing none of that fighting while my seed in you woman" Andre said sitting up to.

"Get your sister than because she better watch who she coming at " she sat back.

She really just went off on me because of her hoe ass cousin coming on to my man. She blow me I know what I about to say gone cause something but fuck it.

"What ever bitch don't get so comfortable anyway you just a hoe my brother got pregnant and keeping here to play wife , trust me sis you won't last " I smirked. I saw a twitch in her eyes and it's the same one Lay gets when she's mad.

Lexie burst out laughing and shaking her head . She got up and walk up and knock my ass back.

"Have this same energy when I drop this baby bitch and keep me and you brother business out your mouth he act protect you forever " she walked up stairs stomping.

"What's wrong with you Mariah damn why did you say that I understand you pregnant but she shouldn't be acting like a child all because you insecure about your nigga you can leave and don't come back till you have your mind back" he got up and walked after Lexie.

I walked out their house slamming the door. The drive home was full with silence because I didn't want to turn on the radio . I got home went to my room and cried in my pillow till I fall asleep.

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