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I walked down to our basement because the guards just brought Clayton here.

" get up bitch " I said to him while icy , jay , Tay and quan surrounds him.

" what nigga where's Devin "

" he side us to have fun you see that girl you took was my wife and his Bestfriend/sister " I point to Jay.

" and their sister " I point to the rest. " her pops told me he fond her bloody why is that " I asked .

He looked me in my eyes and smirked . " she wouldn't give me the pussy so I beat her ass and shoved my dick down her throat " when he finish Jay shot him in the dick .

" ahhh fuck " Clayton scream .

" I don't know who you fucking playing with but Lay is one I don't play about you put your fucking hands on my sister again nigga I should -" he paused getting shucked up . I knew he was emotional because he knew Lay the longest besides Quan .

" I should just end your life but Devin said have fun " I smirk .

" wait if you gone kill me just know her hoe ass Bestfriend Chay the one that told me where y'all had live " he chuckled.

" what " I said .

" Lachay hoe ass been helping me this whole time how else you think I know where y'all live or the times to come over " he coughed out blood.

We all started ganging him then I took a nail and stuck in his left eye. Jay break all his fingers . Icy shot him in the knees both of them . Tay break all his teeth than Quan shot him in his head to end it all .

I laughed and watched his sorry ass die . Now all I got to do is check on my baby and find Chay bitch ass.

4 years later

Mani POV

Today me and Lay are going shopping for our boys because they will be starting pre-school. She has fully recovered from what happened 4 years ago about 5 months after .

To caught y'all up Lay and Ace finally got married a year ago. They moved into a nice mansion type house with a movie theater outside and a pool. Jay has a girlfriend and a daughter name Queen Easton she is 2. Me and lamonta are still together I'm pregnant with twin girls. Quan finally has a girl to . Icy has a son a junior at that but him and her are not together he's with Lay cousin Lexie.

I know y'all wondering why we didn't go after Chay just yet is because we find out she was pregnant and Lay was still recovering. Lay tells us to let it go because it's old be I still think we should kill that bitch .

" this cut my lil nigga gone be fresh for school" Lay smile.

" shit our sons gone break hearts "

" bitch I can see it now some little fast ass little girl coming around my house asking for Jah " she rolled her eyes.

" I slap the fuck out of Rob if he try some shit with any little girl "

" can you believe our babies about to turn 4 though aww"

" bitch stop I feel old as fuck now " I sigh

" bitch I only 24 and you 25 keep calm "

" our men old with they knocking on 30 " we laugh .

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