Chapter 16

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2 months October

It's been a few months has pass since Nae and Lexie left and pops have talk to me . He even seen a message through Dee to tell me that I can't work since I'm pregnant and the only reason Ace still working is because of his father. Ma calls me once a week to check on me so I guess that okay .

Today is the day that we go and see if it's a boy or girls. Signing in and waited I started talking shit to Ace.

" I hope you got my money ready nigga " I said putting my legs on him.

" girl please I about to be 1,000 dollars richer by end of the day babylove " he smirk pointing my baby bump.

My baby bump was visible now not that big but you can notice it. I smiled to myself just looking at it .

" Jalayah Blake " a nurse called . We when into the back and my doctor came in .

" ready to see what y'all are having " doctore Nicole said smiling .

We nodded our heads and she put the gel on my stomach and it was cold .

" well there the heart beat and he's going to be a strong health baby boy " she said looking back at us.

I had a huge smile on my face because I really wanted a son . I looked at Ace who had tears in his eyes look like he was about to cry.

" yes I win the bet "

" awe shut up I just happy he's health "

" congratulations you two see y'all next appointment " she walked out.

" aw baby i having my boy " I said while he help me down .

" I know I know "

" I want my money in cash nigga " I mush his head playfully.

" girl bye " he said in a bad girly voice .

" Omar don't do that again " I burst out laughing.

" damn it was that bad since you call me by my first name " he laugh too .

As we went home we stop by the store to get some things for me to cook tonight since our friends coming over . They already know I'm pregnant they all was happy . Even Javon he can't wait to be a uncle in his voice.

Bestbitch🤞🏾: I have something to tell y'all at the dinner 😅

I looked down to see I had a text from Mani . I wonder want she had to say because I don't want to have to beat a bitch while I'm pregnant.

" babe can you go get some wine coolers and juice while I get the meat "  I said looking back at Ace.

" sure "

He walked off and I had my head down looking at the meat . Pork chops or chicken I thought till some one bump into my ankle .

" ahh damn what the fuck " I look down at my ankle .

" oh my ba-, wait Jalayah that you " his voice sound familiar. I looked up to see my first love looking down at me with a sly grin. I haven't seen this foul since high school. He cheated on me with some girl I don't remember her name . He said I wasn't handling business so he got it down .

" Clayton it's been a while " I cut my eyes .

" 3 years to be exact " he smirked . " and your pregnant "

" yeah I am and time flys "

" I see you finally gave that pussy up to somebody "

No the fuck he didn't I said to myself. I tried to calm down before I went off one him.

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