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" yes daddy " I smirk at Ace .

" girl you better stop but how was shopping fine my nigga something good"

" nahh I find my son something fresh as fuck " we laugh till icy son jr came over .

" da da " jr pulled on icy legs

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" da da " jr pulled on icy legs.

" yeah boy "

" ma ma want you here " he tried to say and it was so cute .

" Icy " Lexie yelled .

" y'all gone stop yelling in my got damn house " I yelled .

" shut up " they yelled at me .

" y'all want to fight ?" I asked everybody.

" yeah so wassupp " quan girlfriend said.

" Bri baby you don't want it sis " I told her.

" actually I do sis so wassupp " she said getting up . I got up to putting up my set ready to fight . She swing and miss I hit her twice in her face making her fall . I got on top of her punching and punching on her. I heard a crack sound so I know I broke her jaw I didn't stop even when I saw blood till some one grab me .

" that's enough you gone kill the girl " my pops said .

" fuck that hoe she think she can talk reckless to me in my own house hell no it's like theirs static every time I see her do you have some type of build up animosity against me or some shit " I struggle to get out of his grip.

" bitch fuck you to  it's gone be statuc every time I see you and you know why " she yelled holding her jaw.

" I don't but you can get your ass beat up every time thought " my pops let me go and I walk to seat back down .

"you can suck my clique bitch " Bri yelled .

" I wouldn't but bitch you already suck mine hoe " I yelled back . Everybody looked at her and me confused as fuck .

" what she mean Bri " quan asked .

" nothing baby she just a dumb jealous hoe " Bri said .

" me jealous bitch you funny who house you up in , you see my car , look at my child hoe and do you see my husband but ima jealous you the one who is jealous bitch just mad I didn't give you the chance after I duck yo ass " I turn to see Jah crying .

" mommy why you beat up uncle Quan girlfriend " he cried . I walked to him picking him up walking up stairs to his room with Ron and Mani behind me.

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