Part 2

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As I descend from the stairs, I am engulfed with the sweet savory smell of pancakes and maple syrup. I unconsciously lick my lips tasting my cherry chapstick and head towards the kitchen.

The sight that greets me make my eyes water and body flush with embarrasment. My parents are making out in the kitchen. I wish that my spouse, my future partner, would love me the way my dad loves my mom, would look at me the way my dad looks at my mom, as if she was the air that he needed inorder to survive and if he does not get that air, he would die.

"Guys!" I half yell blocking my eyes, to interupt them. My dad chuckles, prying my hands away from my eyes, forcing me to look at him.

"Morning Jessie." my dad says to me, giving me a bone crushing hug telling me that I am growing up too fast before his very eyes.

I shake my head, chuckling while looking at my mother whose staring at me with a huge grin. "What mom?" I asked her jokingly.

"Nothing, cupcake, I just can't believe that you're seventeen, my babygirl is growing up so fast look at you already in senior year getting good grades my gosh honey, I love you so much." she exclaimed walking towards me and pinching my cheeks. Gosh that hurts.

"I already packed your lunch, and expect both your dad and I to be home late, we got a case to close." my mom says. I nod and smile at her.

Both of my parents are lawyers and work at the same law firm together. I am so proud of them, of what they have accomplished. I aspire to be successful and much in love like my parents are in the near future. Hopefully, someday.

My sister, Alison comes strolling in, grabbing an apple from the kitchen counter. "Morning Jess, morning mom and dad." she greets us with a killer smile looking like a runway model.  I always envy my little sister, she's freaking gorgeous with a slim, tall   body, everything in the right portions, she can eat without gaining weight and rocks every outfit that she wears. Where as I, if I eat a cheeseburger, a freaking cheeseburger, I will gain at least 5 pounds, I'm not exaggerating. I'm telling the truth. She's been blessed by the genes Gods, plus have you seen my parents,no wonder she's beautiful.

My mom answers back "Morning berrypie."

I swear, my mom gives the weirdest nicknames to us. One time, she called me melon pie, infront of my cousins and they won't stop bugging me about the stupid nickname, it wasn't even funny.

"Come on Al, it's time to go, Bye mom, bye dad, love you guys." I tell them while walking out the door and towards my baby blue Jeep Wrangler who I call Emma, she's my baby.

I first saw the vehicle when I was watching Teen Wolf and Stiles had a Jeep like that and ever since I fell inlove with it so much that I had posters of it tapped onto my bedroom wall and I constantly nagged my parents to get me one. I got her when i turned sixteen and I love her with all my heart.

"I am very sleepy and tired." Alison complains on our drive to school. I quickly glance her way.

"Why?" I question as I glance at her again. She looks pretty normal and okay to me. With her dark brown hair tied messily into a bun, and her black jeans and red plaid shirt, she looks as if she just fell from heaven. There's literally no dark circles around her eyes, her face isn't looking as if she's deprived from sleep, instead her entire body is glowing as if she's had mine hours of sleep. She turns her head to me her face morphed into annoyance "I was working on my History essay that is due tomorrow and plus I was trying to finish Clockwork Princess hence my reason for only getting two hours of sleep." Ah yes. I nod into understanding. My sister looks to read. She reads books of all genres, she even reads text books for fun. I guess we have that in common.

I laughed  at her. "Oh Ally, you should have just read Clockwork Princess and do your essay tonight. That book is too good to put down. I mean school is important and all but damn that book is just amazing you're going to be craving for more trust me as a fellow rereader."

I tell her with a dreamy sigh thinking of Will and Jem. I swear, they are the best bromance characters I have ever read about.

"I know right gosh Jess I can't even choose between Jem and Will, I love them both." Ally excitedly exclaim.

I burst out laughing, "Oh Al, you can't, they're both unique in their own way and that is what makes them attractive." 

And that was how we arrived to Elton Woods High School, talking about Will, Jem and Tessa. But mostly about Will and Jem.

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