Part 3

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"Sup bitch" my best friend Jasmine Roodney exclaim as she ploop down in the seat next to mines grinning as if she just won the lottery. It is so contagious that I begin to grin back as well.

"Sup Jassie boo" I replied with a wink, making kissy faces.

I am so grateful to have Jasmine in my life, we met last year when all of a sudden, my English teacher announced that the principal wanted to see me.

Imagine my fear when I heard that news, because I didn't know what I was being called in for, until when I opened the principal's office door, I saw a beautiful African-American girl smiling, standing in the middle of the room. I was amazed by her beauty, slender tall figure and warm smile. The first thought that came to my mind was that I want to be besties with this girl. It was like a bond like no other I had felt while looking at her, I felt as if she was my long lost soulmate, my other half. The principal told me that she is a transfer student and will be joining us here in Elton Woods High School and my job is to show her around the school, help her locate her classrooms and to make her stay comfortable and ever since that day, Jasmine and I became best friends. She was the new girl and I was the loner girl whose best friend and boyfriend abandoned. But now, everything has changed since I became best friends with Jasmine, together, we complete each other, she is like the ketchup to my sandwich as I am the cheese to her pizza. We both share a bond like no other, and I am eternally grateful for having this wonderful human being that I call Jassie boo as my best friend.

"Good morning class" our English teacher, Mrs Lockwood says, walking into the classroom capturing everyone's attention with her infinite beauty. Mrs. Lockwood is twenty-eight years old, with bright firery red hair that is tied in a neat bun and green emerald eyes. She has a slender, slim built body and towers over some of her students, with her five foot, ten inch height. "Today we will be discussing the wonders of literature. I will be introducing you guys to Francis Scott Fitzgerald who was a famous American fiction writer whose works illustated and described the Jazz Age perfectly, and is now regarded as one of the best American writers of the 20th century." she continues looking all excited. I can't really blame her because I am a huge fan of Fitzgerald's works.

My best friend Jassie boo decides that now is the best time to interupt my focus on Mrs Lockwood's speech about Fitzgerald by poking me hard on my arm. I turn my attention to her and give her the dirties glare I can muster.

She starts to chuckle shaking her head at my behaviour giving me the middle finger.

After she shimmers down, she whisper as gently as she can saying that I have maple syrup smeared at the side of the lips to my cheek.

I let out a loud shriek, turning everyone's attention on me. I quickly spit on my hand and wipe it on my cheek as diligently as I could without gaining any more neccesarily focus on me.

"Sorry Mrs Lockwood, I thought I saw a spider" I sheepishly say while the whole classroom erupts with laughter and chuckles.

Mrs Lockwood gave me a mock glare and then proceeded her speech when the laughter died down.

I quietly thanked Jass for telling me that after I poked her on the arm, only this time harder and with a smirk I turn my complete attention on Mrs Lockwood for the rest of the class.

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