part 28

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Dancing to 'Hollaback Girl and Girls just wanna have fun' with Jasmine, Ally, Violet and Amanda, I am having the time of my life.

The boys decide to give us ladies some space and to hang out with each other as they are to the kitchen.

Sadly, the songs end and 'Wicked Games' by the Weekend starts to play.

I felt a hand wrap around my waist and pull me against a familiar masculine chest.

I closed my eyes at the sudden impact, enjoying the feeling of being so close to him.

I smirk grinding my behind on his front causing him to growl and his grip to tighten on my waist.

I pull my hands backwards and grabb fistfuls of his hair, running my hands through his soft thick brown hair making him moan.

Running his hands all over my hair, and arms, we grind to the music. He then placed soft open mouth kisses on my neck making me moan. The way his hot tongue making circles on my neck, making me burn with a hot fiery passion.

We are so caught up in each other that I didn't notice 'Sweet Caroline' is playing and it seems that Joshua did as well.

"May I have this dance ?" He clears his throat, steeping one foot away from me with his hand extend outwards as I turn to face him.

"Of course you may." I giggle. This feels so magical, so unreal.

For the first time,in a long while, I haven't had this much fun with a guy.

Wrapping my hands around his shoulders, and him wrapping his hands around my waist, we glide across the floor making me feel like a Disney princess.

"Sweet Caroline.
Good times never seemed so good
I'd be incline
To believe they never would
But now I

Look at the night and it don't seem so lonely.
We filled it up with only two
And when I hurt
Hurting runs off my shoulders
How can I hurt when I'm holding you."

Joshua and I sing along to the song holding each other's gaze.

Something feels different, looking at Joshua I realize that he's staring at me with some kind of unknown emotion in his eyes.

It looks like admiration.

He's holding me close, as if he's afraid I'll just vanish or leave him.

Eventually the song ends and to my surprise I am a bit disappointed because I wanted to be near Joshua.

I wanted to hold him, wrapped my arms around him.

I don't know what's going on with me. I'm so confuse.

Everyday and every minute of the day I think about Joshua. I get so excited when I see and so dismal when I leave him.

"I need a drink." I say releasing my hold on him.

Walking in the kitchen, I am so happy to see Jas.

"What's wrong ?" She asks me  pouring out a drink for me.

My favorite, vodka and orange juice.

"I'm confuse." I announce slumping down on the chair with a frustrated sigh.

"I'm getting these weird feelings around Joshua." I confess drinking it in one gulp.

"Honey. You like him. We all see the way you two behave around each other. It was bound to happen eventually." She says pouring me another.

"I understand that. But what I don't get is why ? How I can't get over Luke but catches feelings for Joshua just amazes me." I say.

"The heart works in mysterious ways love. You just need some time to figure out what you want." Jas says patting my back. "Go out there and have some fun. It's your senior prom."

Agreeing with her, I take her hand and lead her back to the dance floor.

With a smirk we dance to 'Here's to never growing up' leaving all my troubles behind.

"Macarena" Austin shout as the song comes up dragging Amanda to the dance floor.

I like this song.

I grab Jas we dance as well.

Eventually the rest follow as we dance our own version to Macarena.

"I had fun Austin." I say hugging him goodnight.

It is twelve o clock midnight. I had a great time, the twins were great hosts.

"Later dude." Joshua says to Austin.

"Wait. I'm not getting a hug goodnight. Or a kiss even ?" Austin asks Joshua pouting his lips at him.

With a sigh, Joshua walks to hug him biding him goodnight.

"Our bromance is still alive." Austin exclaims winking at me.

Laughing my ass off, I follow Joshua to his land cruiser.

"Goodnight Jess." Joshua says  walking me to the front porch. "I had great time."

" Me too, Goodnight Joshua." I say kissing him on his cheek.

With a small smile, I wave him goodbye as he walk towards his land cruiser giving me a wave as well.

I want to stop him as I shut the door close preventing myself from doing so.

I want to spend the rest of the night with him.

I want him to make sweet love to me.

I want him to hold me and kiss me.

I want him to....

I stop myself from thinking those thoughts.

What the hell am I thinking. I'll be leaving for college soon. I don't have time for this. Joshua even said that he doesn't do relationships. I don't do relationships as well.

I need to end this fling with what I have with Joshua. Jas was right. It's not healthy and it'll get both Joshua and I hurt in the long run.

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