Part 11

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7:56 pm

Glancing at my clock for the hundredth time, I nervously pace my bedroom floor.

I don't know why I'm this nervous. It's probably because I'll be messaging the school's notorious bad boy about a school project and we'll be discussing 'The Great Gatsby'.

I wonder what he's doing ? If he's thinking about messaging me ? Oh nevermind , what the hell Jessica get a grip girl.


My phone notify me of a notification. Grabbing it I saw that it's a message from Joshua.

Joshua: I'm ready.

Erasing the nervousness from my body, I get into project mode as I sit on my charcoal Elsie upholstered office chair and spread my AP English Literature and Composition notebook on my IKEA charcoal desk.
Let the magic begin.

Me: I'm ready as well :)

Joshua: The first part of the assignment is to comment on the title.

Me: That's easy. In my opinion, I believe that the title is ironic. Because the title of the novel is called 'The Great Gatsby'. James is neither great nor was he ever honest in how he earned his money. The life that he created for himself was just an illusion of what he wanted to appear like.

Joshua: I agree. he earned his money through illegal ways. Also the word 'Great' can mean a lot of things. It could emphasize his wealth or his misfortune.

Me: Yes :) I like that emphasis.

Joshua: the title, 'The Great Gatsby' shows how he achieved the American dream. He didn't like himself as James Gatsby and changed it to Jay Gatsby. Although he obtained financial wealth, he was never welcome in the eyes of the 'old money people'.

Me: because in the eyes of those 'old money's people, Jay is a fake and is known as 'new money'

Joshua: That's it for today. It's getting late. I'll type it out tonight and email it to you.

Me: That's my email. You can email me it and I can add it a few touches if I see fit.

Joshua: ok

Me: Thank you Joshua. For your help.

Joshua: your welcome. Goodnight Jessica.

Me: goodnight ;)

With a tired sigh I watch my clock and it read 10:00 pm. Time flies when you're having fun. Well in my case I was. Joshua was surprisingly helpful. In a way I'm glad that we're partners. We're both smart and take our school work seriously.

Fifteen minutes later I heard my laptop make a ping sound. Opening it, it was an email from Joshua. True to his word, he typed out and completed part one of the assignment.

Watching it for second time, I can't help but admire how he worded the sentences together. I don't have to add in anything because he already added in everything.

Picking up my phone. I decide to message him.

Me: I like it. I'm not adding anything to it it's 👌

Joshua: ok. Bye.

Me: Bye :)

I really hope that we finish this assignment by the end of this week. I have a lot of studying and other assignments to do as well. Plus, tonight we've finished part one, we have like 3 more parts to complete and that's it.

With a blissful smile I jump face first on my bed and welcome sleep.

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