part 17

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"What you bought for lunch ?" Jasmine asks me as she's peeking trying to see what I bought in my pink plastic bowl.

"It's bacon mac and cheese." I tell her

"Ok Kool, I bought home made chicken lasagna." Jasmine says as she dig into her mouth watering lasagna.

"Hey guys" Jordan greets us as he stands by our table.

"Hey Jordan" the three of us say.

"Do you guys want to have lunch with us ?" Jordan say with a soft smile.

Did I just hear Jordan correct ?

He wants us to have lunch with him and his friends ?

When did we get so lucky ?

Looking at Jasmine to see if she's ok with the idea, she mouthed me a 'yeah'. 

"Ok" I say looking at Jordan whose busy looking at Ally whose busy eating her bacon mac and cheese with a sweet soft smile.

Gathering our items, we follow Jordan to the infamous five while the entire cafeteria was drop dead silent.

Everyone are watching us with their mouths wide open and eyes huge as saucer's as we took our seats.

Jasmine sits next to Alex, Ally sits opposite of Jordan while poor unlucky me sits next to Joshua whose engrossed at looking at my body more specifically my outfit.

"You look hot" he whispers in my ear as he leaned towards me, his lips grazing my earlobe.

Holding back a moan and a blush, I gently push him away from me.

He was a jerk to me yesterday and now he's being flirty with me.

I don't play games neither do I have time for his or anyone's bullshit.

" So Jessica, what do you think about cats ?" Austin suddenly asks me looking all serious with his black beany.

Is this guy for real ?

"How do you know my name ?" I ask him with a general confused look on my face.

Chuckling, he answers " you're in my world history class and other classes before that, now answer my question."

"I'm a dog person" I answer him truthfully.

With a huge grin he extends his hand out to me "welcome to the group."

Shaking his hand with a smile he went on to ask Jasmine a question.

"Ok Jasmine, which one, Star wars or Star trek ?" He asks her with a slight smirk on his face.

"May the force be with you." Jasmine tells him with a smirk.

"Welcome to the group." He says while shaking her hand.

"Alright Ally, Marvel or DC ?"

Giving Austin a long cold look, Ally replies "marvel obviously"

"Welcome to the group my dear Allison." He tells her while shaking her hand.

"Was that necessary ?" I ask him referring to his questions.

"Yes, because I want to know who I'm putting my trust in. I can't trust people who prefer cats over dogs, next thing one of you put a cat in my room when I'm sleeping and it scratches my eye balls off for revenge or some shit." Austin exclaim with a face filled with fear and horror.

"Stop it. You're being dramatic." I tell him while rolling my eyes.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Alex sneaking his huge long fingers in side my bowl to grab my bacon mac and cheese.

"Oh hell no!" I exclaim as I take up my fork and stab him playfully on the hand.

"Ouch woman, you could of kill me" Alex says with his eyes wide open clutching his 'injured' hand to his chest.

"Stop being a baby." I tell him with a smirk.

Giving me the stink eye he turns his attention to Jasmine. Acting as if he can't move his so called 'injured' hand, Jasmine feeds him some of her lasagna and his lunch.

"You smell nice." Joshua says as he unnoticely takes a strand of my hair and sniffs it.

"It's called shampoo and body wash." I sarcastically tells him.

"I'm sorry." He whispers once again in my ear. "I'm sorry for hurting you again."

Sighing I turn to look at him. He looked as if he really means it.

"Apology accepted." I say with a small smile. Life's too short to hold grudges.

"You really don't mean that you hate cats right ?"  Justin asks me with a look on his face that says 'I can't believe you hate cats, what the hell is wrong with you.'

"I won't say hate them, I just prefer dogs. Cats scare me." I truthfully tell him.

With a look of relief, he says ok.

The bell rings signalling that lunch break is over.

"Well girls, from Monday you'll be sitting with us for lunch. You're one of us now. " Austin exclaim with sheer excitement as he hugs Ally , Jasmine and I in a group hug.

"You're too precious." I tell him as I pinch his cheeks.

"Bye guys." I say as I waved them goodbye.

"I had fun." Jasmine says as she walked me to my class room.

"Me too." I say with a smile.

Me too.

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