First part

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I packed the last few things I had to bring with me to Florida. I grabbed my bags out to the hallway. I wasn't leaving until the next morning, but I wanted to be ready. My mom sat in the kitchen, from the kitchen you could see right into the hall. She smiled at me "I know you don't wanna leave, honey. But I think it'll be good for you, I really do"
"You know I hate being away from home and that I suck at making new friends"
"You don't suck at making new friends, you're just shy. When people get to know you they'll see what an amazing person you are" I smiled at my mom and walked to my room. I lay down on the bed. She knew how much I hated the fact that I was leaving, and I knew that she didn't care what I thought. I looked at the clock. It was exactly nine, which meant that I was leaving in nine hours. The fact that the plane was leaving at ten and I had to get up at six was just the really, really bad beginning. I grabbed my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I found Betty. I texted her if she could talk, but she didn't answer. I put my phone on the dresser and soon it buzzed. I grabbed it quickly thinking it was Betty, but it wasn't. When I saw who it really was I didn't bother to answer. Soon I got a text from the same person asking why I didn't pick up, I didn't answer the text either. I turned the sound off on my phone and went to get ready. I then said goodnight to my mom and again lay down on my bed. The clock wasn't that much but since I was going up early I wanted to get a good night sleep. I fell asleep almost immediately, but I still didn't sleep well that night. I woke up every now and then and had trouble falling back to sleep. When my alarm finally rang at six I was already awake. I was almost happy that it rang, cause it meant no more twisting and turning. I sat up and checked my phone. Betty still hadn't answered. I got up and the first thing I did was wash my face with cold water, it always made me wake up. I then walked out to the kitchen. My mom had made me some breakfast, pancakes with berries. It has always been my favorite breakfast, and since I was leaving, she had promised to make me some. We sat down and ate in silence.
"Are you even a little bit excited?"
"I am not gonna pretend that I wanna go"
"You don't have to pretend, but please try to have a good time"
"I will try but I won't have a good time, I don't know anyone" I said standing up. I walked to my room and then got dressed. I checked the time and it was a few minutes after seven. I walked out to the hallway and grabbed my bags. Soon my mom came walking and put on her coat. She smiled at me "I can't believe I'm gonna be alone here for two weeks"
"It's your fault" I said walking outside. I started packing the bags inside the car. My phone buzzed and I checked it. The someone I didn't like had texted me again. This time the text asked me if I was awake. I once again ignored thinking the person could think I was asleep. I sat down in the front seat and waited for my mom. Soon she came and sat down in the drivers seat.
"I get that you don't wanna go but I will miss you so I would appreciate it if you at least would pretend that you will miss me too"
"I will miss you but right now I'm too mad to care about that"
She turned the engine on and started driving to the airport. We got there and she stopped to drop me off.
"Well I'll see you in two weeks" I said and got out.
"Veronica" I turned around to look at her "do I not even get a hug goodbye"
"You're making me go away for weeks with people I don't know, you don't get a hug goodbye" I got my bags and walked in to the airport. I would probably regret not properly saying goodbye to my mom, but I didn't think about that now. Around the leaders I had met before that would go with us to the camp stood next to the person I have been trying to avoid. He looked over at me and his jaw dropped. I started walking over to him, I had to know what he was doing there. But before I could reach him a girl walked over to him. He smiled at her and she kissed him. They continued talking to the leaders but for a second he looked over at me. I looked away, I didn't want to be caught staring. I walked over to one of the leaders who wasn't talking to him and signed up. He checked the little box next to my name. I then walked to the nearest snack store to buy some candy and maybe a magazine.
"Veronica?" I turned around and there he was. I turned back around and walked over to the magazines.
"You can't ignore me forever"
"I can try"
"We are going to Florida together for two weeks, we can't ignore each other"
"What are you even doing here, last time I checked you were going to New-York to start teaching at a music school"
"You checked up one me?"
"I just wanted to know why you stopped talking to me, now I know it wasn't because you were leaving"
"I was leaving"
"Who is she?"
"My fiancée, I met her six months ago and we just got engaged. Why?"
"You got a girlfriend two months after we broke it off?"
"Veronica, you're 17 and I'm 24. It's illegal and I had to move on with my life"
"You broke up with me, so you can't really be mad at me"
"Why are you even here?"
"Nelly is a leader here and she asked me if I wanted to come with her"
"Is she the reason you stayed in Riverdale?"
"Archie!" someone said and behind Archie the same girl that had kissed him showed up.
"Who's this?"
"This is Veronica"
"I was just leaving to go pay" I heard Nelly ask how Archie knew me, but I didn't hear his answer. I paid for my stuff and walked back to the rest of the group. It was time to leave for security and check in our bags. Twenty minutes later we were sitting at the gate waiting for our plane. I got to thinking and thought back on that night in October when we had broke it off. Like he said, I broke up with him, but I had my reasons that no one knew.

A/N: Look who finally posted the first part. I hope you guys like this story!!

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