Thirty first part, last part

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"Congratulations, it's a boy!"
"Did you hear that Ronnie, we have a son"
"We have a son" I said smiling at Archie. He smiled back at me and squeezed my hand.
After the surgery I got rolled back into a room. They told me I had to rest since I had just had a surgery plus they had no idea what had happened to me before. I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in!" in walked my mom and dad, Arizona and Jacob and Betty and Jughead. Betty walked straight over to me and hugged me. I hadn't seen her in ages. Not since the wedding about a year ago when me and Arizona were her bridesmaids.
"Hey Veronica, you doing okay?" she asked me. I nodded at her. Next to come hug me were my mom and dad followed by Jacob and Arizona. Jughead didn't hug me but he smiled at me just to show that he was happy to be there.
"Now, where is the little one?" my dad asked. Archie, who had been sitting on a chair next to me all this time, got up and picked our son up.
"Everyone, meet Fred Lucas Andrews" we had decided to name him 'Fred' after Archie's dad. It felt like the right thing to do. His middle name, Lucas, we had just come up with cause we liked it so much. We didn't wanna name him William, that name belonged to his older brother up in the sky.
A few hours later they had all left. I loved them all but I really needed my rest for now. Archie had fallen asleep on the chair with Fred in his arms. I smiled at them, I couldn't believe they were my family. Now and forever. I couldn't wait to go home, and hopefully we could leave the next day if everything looked good. Fred started whining a little bit which made Archie wake up.
"I think he wants you mama" he said giving the baby to me. I took him and started breastfeeding him.
"I hope we can go home tomorrow, I don't like hospitals" I said to Archie.
"I know, but we're not leaving until you are allowed to go home"
"I know, it just feels so irritating that Fred is all ready to go home but I'm not. You two can leave whenever you want, but I have to stay here" I said starting to cry. Postpartum hormones were the worst.
"Hey Ronnie, don't cry. We are not leaving, even though we can. I'm not going anywhere without you. We are a family now, we're in this together"
"Thank you"
"For what?"
"For being the best boyfriend, the best dad and the best person ever. I truly don't deserve you"
"It's the other way around, I clearly don't deserve you. I mean not only are you the most amazing person ever, you're nice and the most caring person ever. Also, you just gave birth to our son and you still look like the most beautiful girl in the world"
"Don't say stuff like that, now I'm gonna cry again" I said starting to cry even more. Fred was all done eating so Archie took him and put him in his little hospital crib. He then carefully climbed into bed with me and wrapped me in his arms. He stroke my head and kissed my forehead.
"It's okay to cry. Showing emotions isn't weak, it's strong"
"Who taught you that?" I asked smiling.
"The most amazing person in the world. Which is why I'm asking you now Veronica Lodge, would you do me the honor of being my wife?" I looked up at him. I couldn't believe what he had just asked me.
"Yes, of course. A hundred times yes!" Archie smiled at me and kissed me.
"I love you Ronnie"
"And I love you Archie"

"Hurry up mom, we'll be late"
"I'm coming Lara" I finished writing the last sentence 'And I love you Archie'. I couldn't believe that the short story I had been working on for five years was finally done. It wasn't that long, I had just not wanted to write on it so often. I started writing it a year after he passed away, the love of my life. He had gotten cancer at age 40 and three years later he had died. Next year he would've turned 50. I never thought that I would lose him that early, even though 43 is considered old by some people. After I had finished it I had to take it all in. The last part of the story had happened exactly 20 years ago, and now I was going to celebrate my son on his birthday. I hurried downstairs where our daughter Lara was standing. She looked so much like him, they both did. They had his red hair and beautiful eyes. Fred had his smile, and Lara had his music skills.
"Mom stop staring, it's creepy"
"Sorry baby, you just look exactly like him" she smiled at me and walked over to give me a hug.
"I know mom, but please stop calling me your baby. I'm 15"
"I know, but you're still my baby. Now lets go, your brother is waiting for us" we walked out of the house. We still had the same house 20 years later. I got into the truck that had once been Archie's. I started driving and soon I was outside of an apartment building. We walked upstairs and Fred came to greet us.
"Mom, Lara, so happy you could come"
"You think I would miss my son turning 20"
"Mom, are you crying?"
"No, it's just... I finished the story"
"That's great mom, dad would've been proud" he said and pulled me into a hug.
"We got you a gift" Lara said and Fred followed her to a table where she could put it. I walked inside and started seeing all my friends, all the people that had been in my story. In the kitchen were Arizona and he wife. They were in deep conversation with Jacob about something that had to do with adoption. Arizona and Miranda, her wife, adopted two twin girls ten years ago and Jacob and his girlfriend had been trying for years but still hadn't gotten a baby. So they were thinking about adopting. A little bit to late for me, but I'm not judging. They probably thought I had my first kid too early. In the living room were Betty and Jughead. They were talking and laughing with Fred. Their daughter, Evelyn Jones who were 18, dated Fred. They also had another daughter, Rose who were 14, but she was nowhere to be seen. Lastly were my parents. After years of denying their feelings that had gotten together and remarried again. And they were both happier than ever. And me, I was happy too. Probably not as happy as I would've been if Archie was still alive, but I tried. I missed him like crazy everyday, but I knew he never wanted to leave me. He had no choice. I saw so much of him in my kids, I was so happy that they were two small pieces of Archie. If we had never had them I would've lost all of him, but I still had them. They were super tight. Lara loved going to Fred's apartment and just spend time with him and Evelyn. She missed her dad too. She had only been 9 when he died, but it probably hurt her the most. She didn't get enough time with him and she really was 'daddy's little princess'. Fred had gotten 14 years with him and I 26 years with him. It obviously wasn't enough either, but Lara deserved to have him watch her grow up. It wasn't anyone's fault, of course, but I needed someone to blame. So I blamed everyone, the doctors, the surgeons, myself. But mostly I blamed Archie. He knew he had cancer way before he went to look it up. He just didn't wanna admit it. He walked around feeling sick knowing he would die, but he wanted to spend his last years with his family, not in the hospital. I had gotten super mad at him when he told me. That day when he had just turned 40, when he passed out and I had to take him to the hospital. He told me when the laid in the hospital bed. He told me he had known he was sick. And to this day I would blame him for it. I needed to blame him for it. Or else I would realize that it wasn't anyone's fault and that the world sucked and that bad things always happen to good people. And that would just make me cry. Evelyn brought out a cake and everyone gathered around it to sing 'happy birthday' to Fred.
"Make a wish" Lara said hugging Fred from the side. He made a wish and blew out the candles. I felt myself start to cry again.
"Mom, are you seriously crying again?" Fred asked.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. But this time it's happy tears, I'm happy"

A/N: I'm actually really proud of this story. Looking back where I was about a year ago when I started this I can see how long I've come. My writing has improved (according to me) and it's just fun to see. Writing this last part I almost got emotional, but now this story is over. You can check out my other stories and soon I'll start posting one shots under the story called "Riverdale one shots". I hope you guys wanna check those out! And lastly, thank you all for reading this story. It truly means a lot!

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