Ninth part

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Flashback, 8 months ago:
I hadn't reacted very good about Veronica being pregnant. I couldn't decide what to do about it. All I wanted was to talk to Veronica so I called her and asked her to meet me at Pop's. We sat there and talked about what we should do. I wanted to be involved in the baby's life, but it wasn't legal. We didn't really come to a conclusion, Veronica had to go home. All we had decided was that I would follow her to her next appointment. A few days later I got a call from Veronica. I picked up immediately.
"Ronnie, hey"
"Arch, I need you"
"Veronica, what is wrong?"
"I don't know, I feel like I can't breathe. It hurts Archie"
"Okay, I don't know what to do"
"My mom's not home, I've called an ambulance. But Archie I need you"
"Veronica, I can't come. It's illegal"
"Can you please stop with that. I know it's illegal, but I need you. I think I'm having a miscarriage" I couldn't listen to Veronica cry anymore.
"I'm so sorry Ronnie, I have to go. I'm really busy" I could hear her start crying even more before she hung up. I didn't hear anything more from her that day. I realized what I had done was wrong. But if anyone saw me there they could have me arrested, and I didn't wanna go to jail. I had to do something. I went to the store and bought a card. It wasn't much and it wasn't gonna make up for it all, but it was a start. I had no idea what to write in the letter. There were so many things I wanted to say, but none of them really mattered. I grabbed another paper and started writing on it, then threw it away. And grabbed one more paper, that I also threw away. I kept doing that until I finally was happy with what I had written.
"I'm so sorry for not coming to see you, I'm sorry for being a shitty boyfriend. We were never meant to be I guess. I mean you're 17 and I'm 24. I've said it a hundred times, but it's illegal. Even though this baby would be a huge problem, I wanted you to have it. It would be a piece of me for you to keep. I'm leaving to go to New-York. It's been my dream forever to teach there. Maybe we'll meet one day when you're older and fall back in love with each other. That's by the way one more thing I should apologize for. I wasn't asleep, I heard you say it. I just wasn't ready to say it back. But it's true Ronnie, I love you"
I took the card and went to the hospital.
"Hey, do you know where Veronica Lodge is?" I asked the nurse in the front desk.
"She's in room 212, but she doesn't want visitors"
"Okay. Can I just please leave this, I need her to have it"
"I'm sorry, you can come back tomorrow"
"I'm leaving in the morning to go to New-York"
"Then I'm sorry, if it's important I can give it to her in the morning" I looked up at her and thought about giving her the letter.
"It's not that important" she nodded at me. I left the hospital not looking bad knowing I had screwed up.

"You were gonna tell me you loved me?"
"Yeah, I wanted to make up for it all but I realized I always messed up. You were better of hating me"
"I never hated you. Disliked you strongly I did, but never hated you" I smiled and he laughed at me.
"We never talked like this when we were together"
"Well we could meet like an hour a day, we spent that hour doing other things than talk"
"Yeah, that's why you got pregnant I guess" I smiled at him.
"You know, I was gonna keep the baby. Even though my life would get really messy if I did"
"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, after all I lost my baby too"
"It was a boy" he looked at me a little bit confused.
"The day I lost the baby they had gotten the results back. They asked if I wanted to know and I said yes, it was a boy"
"We were supposed to have a son?"
"Yeah, but things worked out a little bit different. You met Nelly, who is by the way the nicest person I've ever met, and now you two are engaged" he looked down at the water.
"I know you, I can see something is wrong" he looked up at me "don't get me wrong, I love Nelly. But she was sorta a replacement. I wish that I would have met her at some other point in my life"
"Then why did you propose?"
"Because being with her made me not think about you. If I let myself think about you I would've just realized what a big mistake I had made. I would probably go back to you, and I couldn't do that" I smiled probably the biggest smile ever "I'm sorry for being young" he chuckled "I'm sorry for being a jerk" I laughed back at him.
"I think I have to break up with Nelly"
"Don't break up with her just because of me"
"Ronnie, I've been thinking about breaking up with her forever"
"Wow, sounds like a great relationship"
"Shut up" I said fake hitting his arm.
"I should go back"
"Ronnie, after these two weeks we will probably never meet again"
"We will still both live in Riverdale, right?"
"Veronica, I'm not breaking up with Nelly just to go back to my old life. I'm gonna go to New-York and live out my dream"
"Then maybe one day in the future we'll meet and time will be more perfect"
"Until then we just have to have the best two weeks ever"
"Yeah, I'm gonna go back"
"Bye" I walked back to our room. They all looked at me the second I walked inside.
"What?" I said.
"You have to finish the story" Arizona said.
"Well after that I had a miscarriage" they all looked at me with a sympathetic look "don't worry, I was really sad for the first few months but I'm okay now. Then after that we sorta drifted apart"
"You wanna get back together with him?" Rose asked.
"Of course, I still believe he is the love of my life. But I just think the timing wasn't right"

A week later we only had five days left. The last five days we were going to stay in a hotel closer to the city. We were staying four people in every room, so I was staying with Arizona, Rose and Gabriella. We had all gotten really close and I was sad I had to leave them in just five days. Nelly had left a few days ago, nobody knew why expect me and my friends. Archie had broken up with Nelly and it had made her leave. Me and Archie weren't talking that much anymore.
We sat on a bus on our way into town. I was sitting next to Arizona with Rose and Gabriella behind us. We were all talking to each other trying to make the long bus ride go faster. Soon we arrived in town and it was a whole new part of Florida. I got a text from Archie.
"Know we haven't talked in a few days, but I'm having a hotel room for myself since Nelly isn't coming. You wanna stay with me?"

A/N: Sorry this was sorta rushed, I just wanted something to happen in this story. Also I will keep you guys updated but I'm planning on taking a break (again) when it comes to posting, not writing. I wanna start posting daily again but first I have to figure out where I wanna go with this story. But like I said I'll keep you updated about that.

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