Twenty second part

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When I had finally stopped crying after breaking up with Jacob I tried calling Archie. He didn't pick up. I wasn't surprised, he told me I should go back to Jacob. But now we were over and I really wanted to talk to Archie. I tried calling him again but he still didn't pick up. Arizona came walking out of her room.
"What happened?"
"Jacob and I broke up"
"Are you gonna call Archie?"
"I tried to but he didn't pick up. Why? I thought you hated the idea of me and him being together"
"I don't, I just don't wanna see you get hurt. I love you Veronica, you're my best friend. I'm gonna protect you forever from getting hurt"
"Thank you. Now I just really need to talk to Archie"
"Try calling him again"
"I will, until he picks up"
"Good, I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight"
"Goodnight" she walked into her room and I could hear her start to get ready for bed. I sat down in front of the TV waiting to see if Archie would call me. After awhile my phone buzzed and it was Archie.
"Sorry, I was on a plane. Are you still up"
I didn't answer him, I just called him instead. He picked up right away.
"Hi Veronica, what did you want?"
"Where are you?"
"In Riverdale. I finally booked a flight here to get my dad's stuff"
"That can't be fun"
"I'll be fine"
"You sure you don't want some company?"
"What about Jacob"
"Jacob and I broke up"
"Oh" I could hear that he was hiding the fact that it made him happy "well if you wanna come and help me, that's okay"
"I'll book a flight immediately and be right there"
"Okay, bye Ronnie"
"Bye" he called me 'Ronnie' again. It was just a nickname, but it showed me that everything was back to normal. Or at least was going back to normal. I booked a plane ticket. It was a last minute one so I had to leave to go to the airport immediately. I quickly packed a bag with some clothes and essentials. Then I wrote a note to Arizona telling her where I was going. I did have school the next day, but I was just gonna say that I was sick. I left and when I got to the airport I checked in my bag and walked to my gate and sat down. My flight arrived just twenty minutes after I got there so I boarded and then I was on my way to Riverdale.
Hours later I got to Riverdale. It was already morning, but really early, so I didn't call Archie. I decided to go to moms apartment. I unlocked the door and tried to be as quiet as possible, but it didn't go so well. My mom turned the light on and I could see how scared she was before she realized it was me.
"Veronica, what are you doing home?"
"I'm here to see you"
"College started yesterday and you're already taking a few days off?"
"Yeah, I felt like I needed it"
"Veronica, I'm your mom. I know when you're lying. Now, tell me the truth to why you're here" I thought about telling her the whole truth, even though it was a stupid idea. I wasn't gonna tell her, but when I looked at her I saw that she was ready to listen. So I told her everything about me and Archie. Or not really everything, I left out the part about me getting pregnant just because us having sex was something she probably didn't want to think about.
"So this whole time you've been in a relationship with Archie?"
"Not this whole time. We broke up a few times plus I dated Jacob"
"For like a month"
"Well we talked for like a year"
"And you're here to help Archie?"
"Cause his dad died and he had to clean out his apartment"
"And you and Jacob broke up because he knew you still had feelings for Archie"
"Your life is really complicated honey"
"I know, thanks mom for pointing that out"
"You should get some sleep"
"Are you really okay with Archie and me?"
"If you had told me a year ago I wouldn't be. But now you're eighteen, there's nothing I can do"
"I love you mom"
"I love you too Veronica" she walked back to her room so I walked into my old bedroom. It looked like I hadn't left. Except the fact that some things were missing that were in New-York. I lay down and I fell asleep immediately. When I woke up the next morning I had gotten a text from Archie.
"Did the flight go well?"
I answered him right away.
"Yes it did. I'm coming to your place now"
I already knew his address so I just borrowed my moms car and drove there. I was sorta nervous seeing Archie for the first time after everything. I sat in my car for a few minutes gathering courage. I got out and walked up to Archie's apartment. I knocked on the door.
"Coming" I heard him walking towards the door. When he opened the door he stood there in only sweats and no shirt. I couldn't help but look at his abs before looking up at him face.
"Hi" I said smiling at him.
"Hi" he answered me, smiling back at me.

A/N: Im so sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I've been really tired but now I'm back to posting daily, promise!

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