Eight part

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Flashback, 8 months ago:
He didn't say anything more, he just hung up. And that was answer enough for me. I sat down on my bed and cried. I had no idea what to do, I had no one to call. I couldn't tell my mom or Betty, just the part about me dating Archie would make them freak out. I started googling where to go to check up on the baby. I couldn't be anymore than three months pregnant, but I was still pregnant. A few days later I had my first doctors visit. I had to go alone since Archie hadn't called me back or anything. I walked inside, more nervous than I've ever been. I sat down and soon a doctor came out and called my name. I followed her into a room and sat down on the bed. She talked me through what she would be doing and what she would be checking. She told me I was about eleven weeks pregnant. The first thing that had happened when me and Archie had gotten together was that I got pregnant.
"Do you want to do a NIPT test?" she said and pulled me out of my thoughts.
"A what?"
"It can tell if your baby is suffering from example down syndrome but also which sex it is"
"When will you have the results?"
"You would take the blood test now and then we would have you back in a few days to talk about the result"
"Sure, I'll do it" I said. She walked away and soon came back to take my blood. When she was done she smiled at me "have you told anyone about this pregnancy?"
"My boyfriend, but he didn't take it so good so I guess I'm in this alone"
"You're not alone, I promise you" I smiled at her "thank you"
"Well if you didn't have any questions then you can leave" I nodded at her and walked out. I picked up my phone to see if anyone had called. I had one missed call from my mom. I called her back.
"Hey Veronica, where have you been? I tried calling you but you didn't pick up"
"Sorry mom, I'm on my way home. I just took a walk, I needed to clear my mind so I turned my phone off"
"Okay, but next time please tell me before"
"Sure, see you soon mom"
"Yeah, see you soon honey" I hung up and started walking towards my car. I sat down and was just about to turn my car on when my phone rang again. This time it was Archie. I answered immediately.
"We need to talk"
"I know, that's what I told you like three days ago"
"Is your mom home?"
"Yes, can't I just come to your place?"
"No, meet me at Pop's" after he had said that he hung up the phone. I started driving to Pop's. When I got there I walked inside and saw Archie sitting at a table in the corner. I walked over and sat down next to him.
"You wanted to talk, so talk" I told him. He looked up at me with a serious look.
"If people would find out about this I would go to jail"
"I know, I can say I don't know who the baby's father is"
"And what? You think people will just accept the fact that I'm helping you raise it?"
"I don't know, okay. But Archie, we have to figure this out. I wanna have this baby, I am not giving it up"
"I get it, and it's obviously your choice. I just don't know how I come in the picture"
"I don't know either, I am finding out the sex in a few days. You wanna follow?"
"If I'm not busy I'll be there" I smiled at him.
"I told my mom earlier I was going home so I should get going"
"Of course, bye Ronnie"

"What happened after that? You two seemed pretty happy in that moment" Gabriella said. I was just about to tell them when Archie and Nelly walked in.
"Girls, all teams are back so it's time to give out the prices" we all stood up and started walking out. Rose was in the front but before we walked out she turned around and said "you're telling us the rest later" I nodded at her. We got out and everyone was there. Nelly was the one holding the prices and Archie the one talking.
"So everyone, we will start with third place" he took out what looked like four bags of candy "third place is, William, Jonah, Emma and Keren. Congratulations!" they walked up and got their bags of candy.
"Next we have second place, Gabriella, Rose, Arizona and Veronica" we walked up to him and got our prices which were also bags of candy, only bigger. Before I could leave Archie whispered in my ear "I need to talk to you later" I nodded at him before walking away.
"And in first place is, Lukas, Travis, Landon and Brad" they walked up and got their bags of candy that were huge.
"Now everyone you have one hour to do whatever you want before dinner" we started walking to our room when I got a text. Archie asked me to meet him at the dock.
"I promise I will finish telling the story, but right now I have to go and see Archie" they nodded at me and I started to walk away.
"Hi there" Archie said.
"Hey, what did you want?"
"What were you talking about when me and Nelly walked in?" I hesitated at first, not sure if I should tell him.
"They wanted to know why we broke up"
"So you're just telling them?"
"It's nothing bad to tell your friends how you broke up with your boyfriend"
"I guess not. You know there's something I didn't tell you about that day"
"What day?"
"The day you broke up with me"
"Tell me"

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