Twenty eight part

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We got out of the pool all wet but also happy.
"I have some clothes you can borrow" we walked inside his house and he gave me one of his T-shirts. I took off my clothes and put on the shirt.
"You look better in my shirt than I do"
"And you are only saying that cause I'm just wearing underwear under it"
"Maybe" he said smiling and walking over to me. He put his arms around my waist.
"I can't wait until you finish college so that our future can start"
"Me neither" I said leaning up to kiss him.

Four years later:
I woke up in slight panic. I checked the time and saw that I had overslept. It was only seven so I had just overslept for an hour. I got up and went straight into the shower. Afterwards I put on my robe and went into the kitchen.
"Good morning" Arizona said.
"You knew I was gonna wake up at 6.30, why didn't you wake me?"
"Sorry, I was going too but you've been so stressed lately with everything going on. I wanted you to get some sleep"
"I could've slept so long that I would be late for graduation"
"Don't worry, I was gonna wake you up when you went into the shower"
"Good, now what did you make for breakfast?"
"Eggs and bacon, what you always want"
"Oh my god, thank you. I know that it was a hard decision for you to drop out of college, but I think it was the best decision you've ever taken" I said smiling at her. She smiled back at me and gave me a plate with some food.
"Thank you, I'm starving" while we were sitting there eating food someone knocked on the door.
"Come in" in walked Archie and Jacob.
"Hi you two!" I said.
"I made you two some breakfast" Arizona said and the boys sat down next to us. They grabbed their plates and we all started eating.
"So Ronnie, excited for graduation?" Archie asked me.
"Yeah, after this a new chapter in my life will start"
"Wow, way to sound cliché" Arizona said.
"No but seriously, I'm so ready"
"You don't need to make it sound o exciting to move out from me" Arizona said.
"Hey, Veronica moving out means I'm moving in" Jacob said.
A lot had happened in the last few years. Jacob and Archie had met. They became friends. They started hanging out. All four of us started hanging out. Jacob and Arizona became good friends cause Archie and I were being too much of a couple. They had decided that Jacob was gonna move in after I moved out so that they would have each other. And now it was time for graduation.
"So I'm gonna go and get dressed and then we're leaving" I walked into my room and picked out my dress. It was a navy blue dress that wasn't sitting too tight but also not too loose. I grabbed my hat and gown and walked back out.
"Let's go" I grabbed my heels and put them on. We walked down to Archie's car. He drove us to the ceremony. I walked inside to my friends from school.
"Veronica!" I turned around and saw my dad walking towards me.
"Hey dad, when's mom coming?"
"Soon, she just had to buy you something"
"Right, I asked her to buy me cookies. I can't remember anything lately"
An update on my mom and dad. They hadn't gotten back together, but they had talked and now they were friends. My mom was staying there for a few weeks.
"The ceremony is starting soon so I should got and get ready"
"Of course" my dad said.
"Good luck" Archie said and kissed me. Jacob and Arizona pulled me into a hug and then I left. They walked into the gym were the ceremony was. I put on my hat and gown. Some teachers helped us all get in line. I saw my mom walk in and I smiled and waved at her. She smiled back before disappearing into the gym. I was super nervous about it all, I was really graduating. We soon walked in a group into the gym and sat down on our seats.
"Students, teachers and parents. Welcome to 2018 graduation. I just wanna start by saying what an amazing year it's been here at NYU" the principal kept talking for a few minutes before it was time for us to really graduate. He started calling out names. Soon he got to the letter 'L'.
"Veronica Lodge" he said and I walked up to the stage. Some teachers gave me a hug and I got my diploma. I walked down the stage and I probably had the biggest smile on my face. I had never felt so happy in my entire life. Except for maybe eight months earlier when I had peed on that stick that would then be positive. And after telling Archie the news he had gotten so happy that he cried. That was probably the best moment of my life.

A/N: Yes I made Veronica pregnant, what a surprise... No, jk but I do know that I always make her pregnant🤷🏼‍♀️ Anyway, I do wanna apologize for not posting. I needed to figure out what I wanted to do with this story, and now I have. I still don't know how much I will update during weekends just because I write during night before I go to bed and on Fridays and Saturdays I often hang out with friends. But I'm gonna try to update as much as possible. And lastly I wanna apologize for this part being sorta all over the place and short, I just wanted to get everyone caught up on what has happened so it's sorta a fill in part.

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