Sixth part

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A/N: I'm so sorry that I'm terrible at posting. The weather has been really nice here so I haven't felt like sitting down to write. But here is a new part and I'll try to post more often. But don't hold it against me if the next part doesn't come out until like next week.

"I did, but does it even matter?" I wanted to tell him it did. I wanted to scream out that it mattered that he loved me. But it would just complicate things "no, I guess it doesn't matter" I haven't even been here for a day and things are already awkward between me and Archie. I mean, things were already awkward, but now they would be extremely awkward. I walked back into my room.
"Did you get in trouble?"
"No, he's fine with it"
"You sure?"
"Well I hope so. This trip is awkward enough with Archie and his fiancée here"
"I understand that, did you know he was coming here?"
"No, if I knew that I wouldn't come here"
"Can I ask you a really personal question about your relationship?"
"Sure, I'm an open book. I clearly have nothing more to hide from you"
"Did you two ever... you know"
"I know, and yeah, even though it's illegal"
"I don't mean to sound mean but maybe it's good that you broke up with him, it was illegal after all"
"Yeah maybe it was"
"Do you miss him?"
"Sometimes, I just wish I could stop thinking about him. I mean he's clearly not thinking about me"
"How do you know that?"
"Because he's engaged to another woman"
"That doesn't mean he's not thinking about you" just as she had said that the door opened. In snuck everyone else in our room and they all lay down to sleep. Just a few minutes later Archie and Nelly walked back in. Archie looked at me and I smiled at him to show that everything was okay. He smiled back before laying down on his bed, if you could even call his little mattress a bed.

Flashback, 9 months ago:
"You know, you should really get a bigger bed" he said smirking at me.
"Shut up, my bed is big enough"
"It's barely big enough for us to have sex in, so no it is not big enough"
"Well then, why are we never in your apartment?" he sat up straight.
"I'm not ready to show it yet and now your mom is out of town so we can be here"
"Yeah we can, but there's no one in your apartment either, right?"
"Veronica, what are you suggesting?"
"Are you cheating on me? Or am I helping you cheat on someone else?"
"No and no. There's just some other things I don't want you to see"
"Will you ever show them to me?"
"Maybe, I don't know" I nodded at him.
"I'm tired, we should go to sleep" he said as he turned the light off. I lay back down with my head nuzzled in his chest.
"I love you Archie Andrews" I said but I didn't get an answer, he was probably already asleep.

The next morning I woke up with a bad headache. My thoughts had been keeping me up all night. Why couldn't I just let Archie go, it wasn't like I still was in love with him. He was just a guy I had 'hooked up with' like he called it. I just had to get through these two weeks and then I could go home and never see Archie again. Arizona and I walked to the room where they served breakfast. We took a plate and started to grab everything we wanted to eat. They had a lot to offer and in the end I had taken more food than I could eat. We sat down at a table with a few other people. And then, since I had the worst luck ever, Nelly sat down next to me which caused Archie to sit down across from her.
"Hey Veronica, sleep well?"
"Not really, a lot of things were going on in my head"
"Too bad, anything you wanna talk about?" I looked at Archie "no, I'm good. But thanks anyway"
"Well if there's anything you wanna talk about just tell me" I nodded at her "or tell Archie, he's a very good listener and you sorta know him from before. I think you guys would enjoy each others company" I saw Arizona almost choke on the juice she was drinking trying not to laugh. She coughed and tried to cover up the fact that she was almost choking. Archie, Nelly and I all stared at her.
"Sorry, it went down the wrong pipe" she said and smiled at me. I glared at her since I didn't really want her to accidently tell our secret. After breakfast we had a ten minutes break before our first activity would start. Me and Arizona went back to our room since we were always alone there. We sat down on my bed and talked.
"It's really awkward that you're friends with Nelly"
"Yes it is, but she's really nice, which sucks. I wish she was the worst person ever so that I could hate her for stealing Archie"
"I thought you were over him?"
"I am"
"Really? Then why did you make it sound like you wanted him back?"
"I did not, and I do not want him back. Archie and I are the past and I have to think about the future"
"And that was the most cheesy thing I've ever heard you say" I looked at her and laughed. Then she all of a sudden got serious "if you're really not over him, it's okay. But you should also tell him how you feel, he deserves to know"
"You don't know why we broke up, which means you can't understand out situation. Let's just say we didn't break up because there wasn't love. He did something and I shouldn't forgive him for it, but at the same time I never stopped loving him. I just want to think that I deserve better"
"Whatever he did it can't be that bad"
"Well if you really wanna know I might be ready to tell you, but not now cause we have to go" she smiled at me and we both started walking out to the field where the activity would take place. We stood around waiting for the leaders to start talking.
"So today we are gonna have a treasure hunt. But since most treasure hunts are for kids we've made our own. You all will be divided into groups and every group will get a list of things they have to do or get. You will get five hours to finish the list and the group that is done first wins. The teams will be the person sharing bunk bed with you and the bed next to yours plus maybe a leader since they should also compete"
She started naming names saying who was with who. I was with Arizona and since we had two leaders and there were two teams from our room it meant I had to do the treasure hunt with either Archie or Nelly. The two other girls in our team were Gabriella and Rose. Both of them wanted to have Archie as their leader since everyone sorta had a crush on him.
"Rose, Gabriella, Veronica and Arizona. The leader joining your team is Archie. Nelly, you go with the boys from the same room" I heard Arizona cracking up behind me and I turned around to tell her to shut the hell up. Archie walked over to us and looked around the team.
"It's probably best if we split up. Two people go do half the list and the other three do the other list"
"You can go with us" Rose said and Archie nodded at her.
"To make this fear we should probably flip a coin or something" he grabbed a coin from his wallet.
"Veronica, heads or tails?"
"And it lands on... heads" I saw the girls looking at me, and they were not looking happy. We started walking in to the city since it was there most of the challenges had to take place. Rose and Gabriella started to talk about how Archie was the hottest guy out there and how he was so much mature than boys our age. Them talking caused me to sigh loudly.
"God Veronica, what's your problem? Do you also wanna hook up with the hot leader?" Gabriella said with a snarky tone.
"No I'm fine, thanks" I said back to them.
"Good" Rose responded "he would've never wanted to have sex with you" when she said that something in me snapped "what if he's already had sex with me?!"

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