Eleventh part

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I walked back to Archie's room and lay down next to Archie. He put his arm around me and kissed my shoulder.
"How did it go with your friends?"
"Good, they just like being mean to me for dating you. They find it hilarious" I smiled at him.
"God, I love your smile"
"Don't make it harder to have to leave you behind after all of this"
"It's your choice"
"Yeah, because we both have to live our lives. I'm stopping you from living out your dream, I can't be responsible for that"
"I know, well you'll have my number so you can still call and text anytime"
"Good to know, when life gets to much I can just call you to help me keep my feet down on the earth"
"Can I tell you something?"
"Of course, you can tell me anything"
"You know how I didn't want you to come to my place?"
"Yeah, I always thought you had like a secret wife or something"
"Not really. My dad is staying in my apartment since my mom died. Anyways he's sick and I wasn't just ready to show anyone that part of my life"
"What? The caring part of your life?"
"The weak part of my life"
"You're not weak just because you're showing emotions, it's what makes you strong"
"I just turn to this little boy when I'm around my dad, Ronnie. I can't lose him too"
"How is he doing?"
"He's fine for now, but the cancer can still win"
"I'm so sorry, I hope he's feeling better soon"
"Me too"
"I never told you about my dad"
"I didn't want to make you feel like you had to tell me about him. It's your choice"
"Well since you told me about your dad, I might as well tell you about mine" Archie smiled at me, which gave me a lot of comfort "he was an asshole. He cheated on my mom while she was pregnant with me. She forgave him and then when I was two she found out he was still together with the same girl he had cheated on her two years earlier"
"That sucks"
"Yeah, he sucks"
"Have you ever wanted to search him up?"
"Sometimes. I've only heard mom's side of the story, I wanna hear his too. Maybe he's not as big of an asshole as my mom says"
"Do you know where he lives?"
"New-York" Archie became quiet.
"So that's the reason you're going to college in New-York?"
"If I'm there for college maybe I can gather the courage to talk to him"
"What is he doing in New-York?"
"He owns a big company called 'Lodge Industries'"
"Why does your mom have his last name?"
"Because she thinks it's my name, not his. She wants us to have the same last name"
"Why don't you just change it to her last name?"
"I don't know, it would feel weird I guess. Veronica Lodge is my name"
"What is your mom's maiden name?"
"Hermione Delgado, I would be Veronica Delgado"
"It suits you"
"Yeah, but it's not my name. Even though my last name comes from a maybe shitty dad"
"What is 'Lodge Industries'?"
"Not sure, something with buying building and then selling them I guess"
"Wow, what a good explanation" he laughed at me.
"I'm sorry for not knowing what my asshole of father does for a living" I said laughing.
"It's getting late and we're going up early tomorrow, we should get some sleep" I nodded at him before I lay my head on my pillow. I closed my eyes and immediately fell asleep.

I woke up from and alarm going off. I opened my eyes and saw Archie turn it off.
"You have to get back to your room and get ready for the day. Breakfast is in forty minutes" I nodded at him.
"I know, I just don't wanna leave you or this bed"
"Well you sorta have to" I leaned up and kissed him "see you later" I got our of the bed and walked back to our room. Luckily the rooms were almost next to each other. I knocked on the door and Arizona opened looking like she hasn't gotten much sleep.
"You're looking awake"
"We stayed up until four watching movies"
"So you've slept four hours, great" I walked inside. Rose and Gabriella looked exhausted too.
"So the big question is, how did you sleep?" Rose asked me.
"Fine, thanks. I went to bed early and slept through the whole night" I said laughing. We all got dressed and walked down to breakfast. We were informed that these last few days were all about experiencing the city and doing pretty much whatever we wanted. The leaders would let us go and stop keeping track of us, as long as we didn't do anything illegal.
"So girls, what do you wanna do today?" Gabriella asked.
"I wanna go shopping" Rose answered and me and Arizona nodded to show we wanted it too.
"Well then it's decided, we're going shopping" Gabriella said. These last few days would be the best ever. I was gonna spend the days with my new friends. And the nights with Archie.

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