Fourth part

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"The leaders wants to see us again in thirty minutes" Arizona said. We were laying in my bed talking. Everyone else who was staying in our room had left to hang out with their friends.
"So, did you have a boyfriend back home?"
"Ehm, I did. But we broke up like eight months ago"
"Were you together for a long time?"
"Not really, for about four months maybe"
"Did you love him?" I looked up at her "sorry, I shouldn't have asked you that"
"It's okay. I did love him, he just didn't love me I guess"
"He told you that?"
"No, but it felt like it"
"Is that why you broke up?"
"We broke up for a different reason"
"You don't have to tell me"
"Maybe when I'm ready"

Flashback, 1 year ago:
"Go out with you?"
"Don't say it like it's a bad thing"
"Sorry, it's not a bad thing. Veronica, I think you're amazing, but it's illegal" I nodded at him and stood up.
"Veronica!" I kept walking inside, ignoring him calling my name. My mom was coming home in an hour which meant he would leave then. I just had to lock myself into my room until then. I heard his steps outside my door and soon he knocked on my door "Veronica, please open the door" I realized it sounded sorta like when I fought with my mom. I would lock myself into my room and she would ask me to come outside and talk.
"It's illegal like you said. I was stupid to even ask"
"You weren't stupid, Veronica, I really like you" I walked over to the door and opened it. Archie stood there smiling at me "I'm a really bad and irresponsible person for doing this, but it's totally worth it" I looked at him, slightly confused. He grabbed my face, leaned down and kissed me. I was taken back by the kiss and I pulled back "why did you do that?"
"Because I like you Veronica Lodge, but you can't let anyone find out about us. Okay?" I nodded to show I understood. He walked back outside to continue cleaning and I was in my room not really sure that what had happened was real.

We walked together to the meeting. I was so happy that I had made a friend, and that she was so nice. When we got there almost everyone was already there. We sat down. The leaders started talking a lot about what we were going to be doing during these two weeks. I felt my phone buzz so I picked it up.
"I need to talk to you later, can you stay here after the meeting?" I got a text from Archie saying. I looked over at him and he mouthed 'please' to me, so I nodded back at him. After the meeting everyone left, but I didn't move.
"Aren't you coming?" Arizona asked me.
"I need to ask the leaders a question, but you can go ahead. I'll catch up with you" Arizona nodded and then left the room. Archie walked over to me, the rest of the leaders were also in the room.
"We can't talk here, follow me" I stood up and followed Archie to this little room outside the meeting area. I sat down on a chair and looked up at him "what did you want?"
"I'm sorry"
"For what?"
"This whole situation, I shouldn't have taken advantage of you"
"When did you take advantage of me?"
"When we were hooking up"
"Really? Hooking up? We were together for four months, I fell in love with you and you didn't even care about me. What you did was awful and I made the right decision to break up with you" I stood up to walk out "just tell me what happened, please"
"What happened was that you walked out on me when I needed you, I thought you loved me. But in that moment I understood you never did. I don't owe you an explanation, and I don't have to tell you what happened" I walked out and ran back to our room. I locked myself into the bathroom so that Arizona wouldn't see me cry. I broke up with him for a reason, he knew the reason and I did not have to explain anything to him. That was what I repeated until I had stopped crying. I then walked out to our room pretending nothing was wrong and I guess Arizona felt like she didn't know me well enough to ask what was wrong.

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