Twenty fourth part

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"Are you hungry?" he said. We were still sitting on his living room floor looking through pictures.
"Yeah, what can we eat?"
"I thought about ordering pizza. Should we split a big veggie pizza?"
"Yeah" he got up and walked to the kitchen. I couldn't believe that almost two years after we had been dating he still remembered what kind of pizza I liked. We had ordered pizza maybe once or twice, but somehow he knew I liked the veggie one. He came back and sat down next to me again.
"Pizza is on its way"
"Good. Do you even like veggie?"
"It's not my favorite, but it's yours so I'll manage" he looked down at the pictures and I smiled at him. He really was the most amazing guy ever.

Thirty minutes later the pizza arrived. Archie went to open the door and I walked into the kitchen. I sat down and on the counter a ring was laying. I picked it up and looked at it. I knew I recognized it from somewhere. Archie came walking into the kitchen.
"Why do you have Nelly's ring?"
"Well it was my ring first. And it's my mom's, my dad gave it to me when I first met Nelly"
"So why is it laying here?"
"I got it in the mail today from Nelly"
"Where is Nelly?"
"I don't know and honestly I don't care"
"It's a beautiful ring"
"Well, one day it might me yours" he said walking over and grabbing the ring. He put it in a box before sitting down next to me.
"God, I'm starving" I said taking a slice of pizza. I saw Archie smiling at me "what?"
"I had just forgot how cute you were eating when you're hungry" I smiled back at him.
"How did you remember I loved this pizza?"
"I paid attention to you I guess. This is your favorite pizza. You love watching 'The Notebook', but only if you can eat ice cream at the same time. When you get nervous you start playing with your hair. And lastly, when you get mad you have to stop yourself from punching someone"
"How do you know this"
"When you love someone you watch their every move. I don't wanna seem scary but I used to look at you when you didn't know. Not when you were like naked and stuff. Just when you were dancing while cooking and playing with your hair"
"I remember somethings about you too"
"Yeah. You hate chocolate ice cream cause it tastes fake, same goes for chocolate donuts. You never paid attention while watching 'The Notebook' but you still say it's your favorite move, when in reality, 'Harry Potter' is your favorite movie. And also, you hate veggie pizza but you would always order it just for me"
"You just know it cause I told you that's why I order it"
"Maybe, but it still means a lot to me" we sat in silence while eating the rest of the pizza, but it was a comfortable silence.
"I can only stay here until the weekend starts. After that I have to get back to New-York"
"I know. I think we can pack all of his things in four days"
"Yeah. Is it hard?"
"Packing away all of his stuff? Yeah, but I'm not throwing it away so I can still look at all the memories whenever I want to"
"Where are you going to keep the boxes?"
"In my basement"
"Basement? Do you own a house"
"Yes. I bought it when I thought that Nelly was moving with me. It's a great house, I didn't wanna sell it"
"You have to show it to me"
"Sure, if you promise to help me carry all of these boxes inside"
"Sure. We still have a few hours before dinner. You wanna keep packing?"
"No. I wanna take you out on a date tonight. Nothing fancy, just you and me at Pop's"
"Sounds lovely"
"You wanna go home and get changed?" I looked down at the black pair of jeans and purple colored t-shirt I was wearing.
"Nope, you said it wasn't fancy" I said smirking at him. He smiled back at me.
"Fine, then we can keep packing"

When the clock turned so much that we had to go to Pop's we were done with the living room and bathroom.
"Good, now we only have his study and kitchen left" we walked out to Archie's truck. I got in and he drove to Pop's. We walked inside and sat down at a table.
"What do you want?"
"A burger, a big fries and a chocolate milkshake" I said. He got up and walked to Poptate and ordered our food. Afterwards he sat down across from me again.
"So, how's Arizona?"
"She's good. I think she has met someone, but she hasn't told me about it"
"That's good. She needs someone in her life, except you of course"
"She really does. I feel bad leaving her just cause she doesn't have anyone else"
"It sucks for her. At least she has you"
"I don't know if I'm enough" Poptate came and gave us our food. I was really hungry after all the packing we had been doing. I started eating immediately, and so did Archie. After finishing our meals we walked back outside.
"I have forgotten to tell you but my dads funeral is tomorrow"
"You just forgot to tell me that?"
"I guess a part of me was scared you wouldn't wanna go"
"Archie.." I said stopping and putting my hands on his face "of course I'll be there, anything for you"
"Thank you" he said before leaning down to kiss me. Afterwards we got into the car and started driving home.
"This was an amazing first date" I said.
"Yes it was"

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