Fifteenth part

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My phone buzzed while me and Arizona were eating dinner. I read the text and saw that it was from Jacob. My face lit up and it caused Arizona to look up at me.
"Who just texted you?"
"No one special"
"Really? You haven't looked this happy since Archie"
"It's this guy I met a year ago. His name is Jacob and we've been talking on the phone pretty much ever day since"
"That's great, where does he live?"
"Here in New-York, he asked me when I get here"
"And what did you answer?"
"That I was here but tired and just wanted to go to sleep"
"Wait, weren't we gonna stay up late and watch movies?"
"Yeah we are"
"But if you're tired"
"I just told him that"
"Hold on, why? I thought you liked this guy"
"I do, I just don't know if I'm ready"
"It's been a year since Archie, you have to be ready sometime"
"I thought I was ready. But then I realized that Archie is here in New-York and I guess there's a part of me that hopes-"
"You two will get back together?"
"Yeah" I looked down at my food "is that stupid of me?"
"It's not stupid to have hope, but maybe you should move on? And this Jacob guy seems interested in you, maybe you should give him a chance"
"Yeah well not tonight, we're gonna stay up and watch movies just you and me. Maybe tomorrow I'll call him"
"Good, now finish your dinner. I worked really hard on that"
"It's heated mac and cheese, how hard was it to make?"
"Shut up, at least I made dinner" I smiled at her "thank you for making me dinner Arizona, you're a great roommate"
After dinner we sat down in front of the TV. We watched a few movies until we both fell asleep. The next morning I woke up from my phone ringing.
"Hello" I said sounding way to tired.
"Hi, it's Jacob"
"Hi Jacob. I'm so sorry, I just woke up"
"Did I wake you? I'm sorry"
"No don't be, it's a great way to wake up" I stood up and walked to the kitchen so that I wouldn't wake Arizona up. I checked the time on the oven and it was almost eleven, not weird that Jacob thought I was awake.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to go and grab a coffee"
"Don't you have work?"
"No, I got the day off. Your dad is actually really nice sometimes"
"Well if you come pick me up I'll follow" I told him my address and went to get dressed. I put up a note on the refrigerator telling Arizona where I was going. I got a text from Jacob telling me he was downstairs. I walked out and locked the door before going downstairs. He was standing leaning against his car. When he saw me he opened my door and I got in. He walked around the car and sat down next to me.
"Thank you for opening the door"
"Well I just wanted to be nice to you"
"Opening my door is a little much, don't you think?"
"Nope, everything that can make you smile is necessary" I smiled at him "see, I made you smile" he started the car and started driving. Soon we reached a small café called "A Little Taste Café". We sat down to order coffee. I checked the time on my phone.
"Why do you keep checking the time?"
"You've checked the time on your phone like a million times"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorta waiting for a call" it wasn't all true but it also wasn't a lie. I knew from stalking Archie's schedule online that he had two breaks, on at twelve and one at four. I always tried calling him at those hour, which sounds pathetic.
"Who is gonna call you"
"I'm actually supposed to make the call"
"To?" I looked up at him slightly annoyed "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be pushy"
"It's okay, it's just sorta personal"
"Of course, if you wanna make the call you could leave. It's fine by me, if it's that important to you" I didn't want to leave. I should probably move on, but I didn't want to.
"No, you know what, it's not important. I can call him later"
"Him, huh. Should I be worried?"
"I know this is probably not what you wanna hear but he's sorta my ex"
"Who you still call?"
"Well it's complicated and a long story"
"We have plenty of time" I looked up at him and saw that he meant it. So I told him all about how I met Archie to how we broke up and how we met at camp and then broke up again.
"Wow, it really was complicated"
"Yeah, I told you that"
"So do you like still have feelings for him?"
"I guess I have, but I don't want to. I really like you Jacob-"
"But you're not ready to get a new relationship"
"Not really. I wanna be ready and I'm working on it. Maybe you can help me?"
"Veronica, I really like you too. And if you're not over your ex that's fine, I'll just wait until you're ready. I'm not gonna be mad at you just because you haven't gotten over someone you loved so deeply, he will always be important to you and that's okay. I just plan on also being important to you, if that's okay for you"
"It is, it totally is" I heard the bell above the door ring and I looked up. Standing in the doorway was Archie and he was staring straight at me and Jacob.

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