Twenty fifth part

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The next morning I woke up early to get ready for the funeral. I didn't have any clothes, but I would go over to my moms and see if she had something I could borrow. I got ready and ate breakfast before leaving. Archie had left even earlier to go help them set some things up. I had no idea why he was helping, I knew how sad he was. He shouldn't have to worry about anything, just attend the funeral and say his goodbye's. But he insisted on going there. So I was all alone in what once was his house. After getting ready I went to my moms.
"Mom, you home?"
"I'm in the kitchen" I walked into the kitchen and she sat there eating breakfast.
"Hi sweetie. Are you done packing?"
"Almost, we're gonna continue tomorrow though. The funeral is today"
"Right, I almost forgot. How is Archie doing?"
"I have no idea. He left early this morning and I haven't gotten a chance to talk to him yet"
"Where is he?"
"Setting up for the funeral. I think he's only doing it so that he doesn't have to think about it all"
"The only thing you can do is be there for him. Now, why did you come here?"
"I need a dress. When I flew here I didn't know about the funeral"
"Right, I think I might have a black dress you can borrow" we walked into her bedroom. She took out a few black dresses. I picked one that had see through lace over the shoulders and at the bottom. It reached down to my knees and had short sleeves. I also grabbed a pair of black heals from my mom that she never used cause they were a size to small which meant they fit me perfectly. I drove back to Archie's and when I got back Archie was there.
"Hey, are you done fixing?" I asked him.
"No not yet, I just got hungry" he took out some pizza leftovers.
"You want some?"
"No thanks, I just ate breakfast" he nodded at me and ate some pizza in silence.
"Are you okay"
"What do you think!" he said and I could hear he was irritated.
"I'm sorry for asking, it was a stupid question. Of course you're not okay" he put down his pizza slice.
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you. There's just so much today and I have no idea what to do"
"This is what you should talk to me about, that's why I'm here. I'm here to support you but then you have to want it too"
"I want you here, I just don't know how to talk about it. It feels like my heart is about to be ripped out of my body. I have no idea how to live on without my dad. Even though we barely talked he was always there for me and he always helped me out. I can't do this without him"
"I know that you feel that way now, but it'll get better. Like with your mom. Of course you still miss her, but somehow you've gotten used to life without her"
"The only thing making my heart not jump out of my chest is you Ronnie. With you here this horrible situation feels a little bit better" I smiled at him and kissed his lips.
"I will always be here for you. Do you want me to follow you back?"
"Sure. Some company would be great" we drove back to the church. It looked beautiful, Fred would've loved it. Not that I knew him.
We fixed the last couple of details before sitting down while the other guests came in. I didn't recognize that many people. A few of them lived down the street and then there were people like Poptate and FP Jones who everyone knew who they were. The funeral started with the priest saying a few words before it was Archie's time to talk. He walked up and I could see how close he was to crying.
"My dad was an amazing man. He was nice to everyone that was nice to him. He never meant any harm, he never wanted to hurt anyone. It sucks that bad things happen to good people. He didn't deserve to lose my mom and he really didn't deserve to get sick. He has done everything right, and still here we are way to early. He would never admit it, but he was a man full of feelings. The only reason he didn't admit it was because he didn't want people to think he was weak. But one very important person who is here today taught me that showing emotions is what makes us strong, not weak. I regret not spending time with my dad in the end and I am mad at myself for not making time. I can't go back and change it, but I can say that I'm sorry for it. Maybe he won't hear it, maybe he will. But the most important part is that I'll feel a little bit less sad about it. I know my dad would be happy to see all of you guys here. You all meant so much to him. I'm happy you all can be here today, it makes this day a little bit better. I just wanna end with thanking my dad. Thank you for all that you've taught me and for everything you've done for me. Thank you for being the best dad ever" he came and sat down next to me again. I saw a few tears escape his eyes. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it a little bit.
"That was beautiful"
"Thank you, you inspired me to write it" the funeral ended and it was time for Archie and I to walk up to the chest and say goodbye. Archie had given me a rose too, since it was his dads favorite flower, and we walked hand in hand to the chest. He put his flower on it.
"Thank you dad, I'll miss you" he stepped to the side and I put my flower on the chest.
"Bye, I'm sorry I never got the chance to meet you" we walked to the door that all the guests would go through to get to the lunch. Everyone shook mine and Archie's hand and said 'sorry' and stuff like that. We sat down to eat lunch and I sat next to Archie with a few of Fred's friends.
"So, Veronica, how long have you and Archie been dating?" an older lady asked, who I think worked with Fred until he retired.
"We dated for a few months before breaking up, but now we're together again"
"Is he good to you?" she asked. I looked up to her a little bit worried "don't be scared of him. I'm only asking cause I know Fred would want me to"
"He's really good to me. Fred would be proud of him"
"Good to know" Archie came and sat down next to me.
"Where have you been?" I asked him.
"I just told the waiters they could start bringing out the food" I nodded at him.
"You were amazing today. You've handled this so good"
"Thank you Ronnie. I couldn't have done it without you"

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