Thirtieth part

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Driving to the hospital I felt myself almost passing out every now and then.
"Ronnie, Ronnie, hey. Stay with me" I had no idea where I was or what was going on. I could feel the contractions and I could hear Archie. But it was like I was living in another time zone. I knew that something was wrong and all I could think about was the day I told Archie.

Flashback, 8 months earlier:
I hadn't felt that many symptoms, but it was enough for me to be sure. This was the second time in my life I had had these symptoms, I was pregnant. After school one day I went to the store and bought a test. I peed on it as soon as I got home. I wasn't feeling all that happy about getting pregnant when it was like eight months left of school. Since I had no idea how far along I was maybe I would have the baby during school, which would suck. But the symptoms had just started and I had my last period three weeks ago so I couldn't be that far along.
"Ronnie?" I heard Archie. I walked out to him and kissed him.
"Hey, what are you doing home?" he used to work until late at night and just come home and eat dinner with me and then we would crash either in the bed or on the couch.
"My class got cancelled so I had nothing to do for two hours and knew you were home" he said kissing my forehead.
"Okay, I'm just gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back"
"Okay" I heard him walk to the living room and turning the TV on. I walked back to the bathroom and looked on the timer I had set. Only twenty seconds left. When the timer went off I was extremely nervous. I looked at the test and of course it was positive. I couldn't help but start crying. I wiped my tears away and walked out and sat down next to Archie.
"Anything special happened today?" he asked me.
"Not really"
"Okay, you sure?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You look like you've cried"
"I just found out some news"
"Care to share? Unless it's private"
"It's not. It's actually about us"
"What about us?"
"Archie" he heard my serious tone. He turned the TV off and turned to face me "I'm pregnant Archie. And I know it's really bad timing and that-"
"Ronnie, calm down. It's amazing" I saw how big he was smiling and I couldn't help but smile back at him.
"I just found out"
"If you just book and appointment I'll make sure to be there. This time I will do this right"
"Good" I said leaning up and kissing him.

"Hey, Ronnie, we're here now. You have to get up, okay?" it was Archie's voice. I could hear how extremely stressed he was. I somehow managed to stand up with the help of him. We walked inside and I heard him call out for help. Someone came running over with a wheelchair. I was rolled into a room and transferred to a bed. People started helping me out of my clothes into a hospital gown. I got plugged up to all of these machines and different IV's. I heard a lot of voices, but I had no idea what they were talking about. I saw Archie sit on a chair looking more scared than I've ever seen him. A few nurses talked to him and he just nodded at them. Another nurse started rolling me out of the room.
"Wait... what... are... you... doing?" I asked, having a hard time getting the words out.
"We're sorry Veronica, we're not sure what's wrong with you. This is not the response your body is supposed to have to labor. But we have to do an emergency C-section"
"He is getting dressed and will be there with you" I was being rolled into an operation room. They all started fixing me for the surgery. Soon Archie came walking in and he sat down next to me holding my hand.
"Ronnie, you are so strong. You can do this, okay?" I heard that he was scared of losing me, I was sorta scared of dying too. But I wasn't gonna let him stay scared.
"I'm not going anywhere" I got out before it was time for the surgery to start. With all the stuff they had put into my body I was starting to feel a little bit better. I saw Archie's face as he watched the surgery. I couldn't tell if he was scared or amazed, maybe both. Soon a scream filled the room. I had never been so happy to hear a baby's scream. The nurse picked him up.
"Congratulations, it's a..."

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